

  module 1 how to learn english
  unit 1 try not to translate every word
  词汇   translate, translation, correct, match, number, repeat, grammar, pronunciation, writing, punctuation, spelling, term, advice, write down, mistake, notebook, else, radio, newspaper, message, pen friend, each, other, each other, excellent   短语   write down,each other,next to,try not to,help…with…,   语法   复习一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时。   句型   1. why don’t you + v. 原   2. how about + v. -ing   3. what else?   4. that’s a good idea.   5. it’s a good idea to + v. 原   6. try (not) to + v. 原   教学过程   任课教师修改意见   vocabulary and listening   1. match the words with the headings. some words go with more than one heading.   match the words with the chinese.   answer 回答   ask 提问   check 检查   listen 听   look 看   read 阅读   say 说   translate 翻译   write 写   learn the new words.   correct v. 改正 adj. 形容词   match 将……搭配   number 给……标号码   repeat 重复   grammar   listening   pronunciation   reading   check   listen   repeat   look   correct   match   listen   check   number   say   match   read   answer   speaking   vocabulary   writing   answer   match   check   ask   read   write   repeat   translate   correct   say2. listen and match these words with the conversation.   read the words and then listen to the tape.   answer   grammar: 3 meaning: 1 punctuation: 4   spelling: 5 translation: 2   3. listen and read.   listen to the tape and let the students read after the tape.   let the students read the dialogue.   let the students underline the new words.   put the students into groups of three to read the conversation.   have them repeat it, changing roles each time.   课文中的一些词组、句型。   write down 写下   next to 旁边   each other 互相   try not to + v. 原 不要尝试   can + v. 原 能   should + v. 原 应该   ready? 准备好了吗?   what else? 还有其他的吗?   help…with… 帮忙……   excellent! 优秀的;棒极了   that’s a good idea. 这是个好主意。   thanks a lot. 非常感谢。   why don’t you + v. 原 为什么你不做……呢?   how about + v.–ing ……怎么样呢?   it’s a good idea to + v. 原 做……是个好主意。   everyday english   the whole class read the sentences.   explain the dialogue.   why don’t you write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes?   你何不把正确的拼写和语法写在出错的地方?   why don’t you + v. 原 用来表示提出某种建议,而不是询问为什么不做某事的原因。   ---- why don’t we drive to the park?   ---- ok.   ---- why don’t you buy a new car?   1、为什么我们不使用电脑呢?   why don’t we use the computers?   2、为什么你不买些笔记本呢?   why don’t you buy some notebooks?   3、为什么你不听收音机呢?   why don’t you listen to the radio?   4、为什么我们不纠正我们的错误呢?   why don’t we correct our mistakes?   当我们提建议时,还可以使用其他的句型。   how about driving to the park?   how about going to europe for a holiday?   1、喝杯茶怎么样呢?   how about drinking a cup of tea?   2、看看报纸好吗?   how about reading newspaper?   3、首先完成作业怎么样?   how about finishing homework first?   why not + v. 原 为什么不?   why not take a walk in the park?   why not say hello to the foreigner?   why not stay in the house?   1、为什么不把错误改正呢?   why not correct the mistakes?   2、为什么不给自行车标上号码呢?   why not number the bikes?   3、为什么不给tone 发个信息呢?   why not send a message to tone?   help sb. (to) do sth. help sb. with +n.   帮助某人做……   i often help my mother do the housework.   i often help my mother with the housework.   betty helps me with my english.   mr. li helped my father mend the car.   1、他将会帮我们搬这些椅子。   he will help us move these chairs.   2、老师应该帮助小朋友们过马路。   teachers should help the children cross the road.   4. write notes about.   listen to the tape again and check the answers.   learning vocabulary   check notebook every day.   spelling   write down mistakes in your notebooks.   mistakes   write down the correct spelling and   grammar next to the mistakes.   reading english   read a newspaper in english.   translation n.翻译   try not to translate every word.   listening to english   listen to the radio in english.   5. answer the questions about the words and expressions in the box.   explain the words in the box :   advice, correct, mistake, newspaper, notebook, pen friend   ask the students to answer the questions.   pronunciation and speaking   6. listen and repeat.   play the tape through several times while they listen and follow.   7. work in pairs. ask and answer the questions. use the notes you wrote in activity 4 to help you.   students do this activity in pairs.   let some students play it.
