

  would you mind turning down the music教案2
  unit 7 would you mind turning down the music ?
  analysis of unit 7
  teaching goals:
  1.学习would you mind doing sth ?这一句型,学会恳请对方对于某事如何表达歉意。
  important points :
  a: would you mind doing sth ?
  b: i’m sorry .i’ll do it right away .
  a: would you mind not doing sth ?
  b: sorry. we’ll go and play in the park .
  difficult points :
  比较: would you mind (not) doing sth ?
  could you please do sth ?
  please do sth .
  you have to do sth .
  would you mind cleaning your room ?
  i’m sorry .i’ll do it right away .
  would you mind moving your bike ?
  no, not at all .i’ll do it right away .
  period 1
  teaching procedures:
  step 1 assign the task
  write the following requests on the bb :
  can you give me the book ?
  please give me the book .
  would you mind giving me your book .
  explain that the last example is a very polite way of making a request .
  step 2 warm up section a(1a-1c)
  sb page 52 ,1a .
  1.point to the four requests in the box .say each phrase to the class and ask the ss to repeat it .
  2.point to the picture .ask ss to write the letter of each request in the correct place in the picture .
  3.correct the answers .
  sb page 52 ,1b .
  1.point to the list of requests in activity 1a.play the recording the first time .ss only listen .
  2.play the recording a second time .correct the answers .
  sb page 52 ,1c.
  1.ask two students to read the words in the sample dialogue in activity 1c. say, you’ll work with your partner .make requests .
  2.ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class .
  step 3 pre-task section a (2a-2c)
  sb page 53 ,2a .
  1.read the instructions with the students .play the recording the first time .ss only listen .
  2.play the recording a second time .ask ss to write the number of each conversation .
  3.correct the answers.
  sb page 53 , 2b .
  1.point out the five responses in activity 2b .ask different ss to read each one to the class .
  2.play the recording .this time ask ss to fill in the letters of the pictures in front of the responses .
  3.correct the answers .
  sb page 53 , 2c .
  ask two ss to read the words in the sample dialogue .say, make conversations like this about the information above .
  step 4 grammar focus
  1.review the grammar box .ask students to say the statements and responses .
  2.ask students to talk about the differences among the different sentences .
  exercise: 汉译英:
  period 2
  teaching procedures :
  step 1 pre-task
  sb page 54 , 3a .
  1.read the instructions .point to the pictures .ask ss to explain what is happening in each picture .
  2.point to the note .ask ss to read the note and fill in answers .
  3.check the answers .
  sb page 54 , 3b .
  1.read the instructions .point out the list of requests and commands in the box .
  2.ask ss to make conversation like the sample dialogue .
  3.ask several pairs to say one of their conversations to the class .
  sb page 54 , part 4.
  1.ask ss to complete the work in groups .
  2.ask a few students to share the sample conversation .
  homework : 完成对话
  a: mind up ? you to help me in the kitchen .
  b: ok .i’ll get up right . do i have to the dishes .
  a: yes , and you have to help me dinner .
  b: ok . when i finish , you help me my homework ?
  a: sure .
  period 3
  teaching procedures :
  step 1 assign task
  teach the new words .
  sb page 55 , 1a .
  1.read the instruction and ask ss to read each situation and think about the two questions .
  2.ask some students to share their answers with the class .ask other students whether they agree with the opinions or not .
  sb page 55 , 1b .
  1.help the students understand that something that is unpleasant or something that bothers you is annoying .
  2.then ask the students to number the ideas from most annoying to least annoying .
  3.ask the class to vote on the most annoying item on the list .
  sb page 55 , 2a .
  1.read the instructions .play the r4ecording .this time ss only listen .answer any questions they have about the recording .
  2.play the recording again and ask the students to write the number 1, 2 and 3 in front of the correct pictures .
  3.correct the answers .
  sb page 55 , 2b .
  1.say , listen to the three conversations again .this time write the situations ,problems and solutions in the chart .
  2.point out the sample answers .play the recording again .ask ss to fill in the answers on their own .you may need to pause the tape from time to time to allow students to write answers in their books.
  3.check the answers .
  sb page 55 , 2c .
  1.read the instructions .point out the problems in activity 2b .
  2.ask one or two students to say the conversations to the class .
  step 2 while-task
  sb page 56 , 3a.
  1.read the article to the class .ask ss which words they don’t understand. write these words on the board .
  2.ask students to underline the things that are annoying .then have the students circle what people do when something annoying happen.
  3.correct the answers with the class .
  sb page 56 , 3b .
  1.look at each picture with the class .ask different students to tell what is happening in each picture .
  2.read the instructions and ask students to complete the activity on their own .
  3.check the answers .
  sb page 56 , part 4 .
  1.this activity provides speaking ,listening and writing practice using the target language .
  2.ask students to complete the work in groups .
  period 4
  teaching procedures:
  step 1 self check
  sb page 57, part 1 .
  1.ask ss to fill in the blanks on their own .check the answers.
  2.ask ss to make their own sentences with the words ,preferably sentences that are meaningful .
  sb page 57, part 2 .
  1.ask the students what might be annoying in the picture .
  2.ask the students to write the letter on their own .
  3.ask a few students to share their letters .
  step 2 while-reading
  sb page 58 , section 1 .
  1.read the title .ask the students to predict what they think the article is about based on the article .
  2.look at the picture .ask students to describe what is happening in the picture .
  sb page 58 , section 2 .
  1.encourage ss to use the reading strategy of scanning for specific information .
  2.ask ss to read the article carefully once time .then ask ss to raise their hands and say which words and sentences they don’t understand .encourage ss to read in contest ,guessing the meaning of words and phrases from the other words around them.
  3.ask the ss to read the article again for comprehension .
  sb page 58 , section 3 .
  1.complete the task .ss can work inpidually or in pairs .
  2.check the answers .
  3.practice students’ speaking and listening skills .
  homework: 词组翻译
  1.控制你的声音 2. 熄灭 3. 例如
  4.在公共场所 5. 捡起垃圾 6. 实际上
  7.排队 8. 变得气恼
