

  ⅰ. 单项填空
  1. —does coffee really work when you have to work late into night?
  —yes. as far as i’m concerned,i feel very ________after a coffee.
  a. energetic b. normal
  c. adequate d. sensitive
  2. if he ________quietly as the doctor instructed,he would not suffer so much now.
  a. lies b. lay
  c. had lain d. should lie
  3. —you are very fond of eating barbecued mutton kebabs.
  —yes. personally,nothing can be ________. would you like one?
  a. good b. well
  c. better d. best
  解析:选c。考查比较级。nothing can be better 再也没有比这更好的了。否定词与比较级连用时,表示最高级含义。
  4. as we all know,no one is perfect,and everyone has his own ________.
  a. mistake b. weakness
  c. limit d. belief
  解析:选b。句意:我们都知道人无完人,每个人都有自己的不足。mistake 错误;weakness弱点;短处;limit有限;belief信仰。根据句意选b。
  5. mr. smith ________his living by teaching ten years ago and he ________greatly from his work.
  a. earned;earned b. earned;gained
  c. gained;gained d. gained;earned
  解析:选b。earn one’s living 谋生;gain在这里是不及物动词,赢得;获得。句意:十年前史密斯先生通过教书谋生,他从工作中收获颇多。
  6. the student ________from the training so much that he was ________the first prize in the event.
  a. benefited;benefited b. awarded;awarded
  c. awarded;benefited d. benefited;awarded
  解析:选d。benefit from 从……中获益;be awarded the first prize被授予一等奖。
  7. —hello!may i speak to jack,please?
  —oh,i ________your voice at first.
  a. don’t recognise b. didn’t recognise
  c. hadn’t recognised d. haven’t recognised
  8. there is no possibility ________he will keep his word. he is always telling lies.
  a. how b. whether
  c. when d. that
  9. if you just spend time ________advantages and disadvantages,you may get nothing in the end.
  a. matching b. balancing
  c. observing d. examining
  解析:选b。balance advantages and disadvantages意为"权衡利弊"。
  10. —why don’t we hold a party to celebrate the achievements gained by our olympic players?
  — ________
  a. because we haven’t got enough preparations.
  b. good idea!
  c. it’s all because of the terrible weather.
  d. not all would like to attend it.
  解析:选b。why don’t you/we do sth. ?表示给某人提建议,所以选项b表示同意别人的提议符合句意。
  ⅱ. 完形填空
  (XX年南通一模)i live in new mexico,and there are some homeless people in the downtown,especially the university area. i__1__give a lot of money to the homeless,__2__sorry for their hardship. __3__as time passed,i__4__the same situations as the homeless people. i became a__5__mom with no home, a huge debt,and __6__any income. as a result,i became very__7__and stopped giving to the people on the side of the road.
  through my working hard,things started to__8__for me. i became responsible enough to__9__a home with a backyard for my daughter,and plenty of__10__,and i started to pull myself out of__11__. one day we saw a homeless person in the street,i just passed by. then my daughter said,"mommy,you used to give money to those people__12__. but now. . . "i replied,"honey,they just use that money for bad things. "she didn’t__13__. but when i said that,i didn’t feel right.
  three days later, i was driving to pick up my daughter from school. a man was standing on the__14__and suddenly something deep__15__me said,"just help the guy. "so i rolled down my__16__,and he ran over with enthusiasm. he said,"god bless you, i only need 77 cents. "i gave him the money he needed.
  i felt strange and __17__as i gave it to him. he burst out with__18__and tears in his eyes,"wow,you just made it possible for me to see my mom for christmas!thank you so much!i haven’t__19__my mother for three years. the bus is leaving in 20 minutes! i have to go now. "
  it was the moment that i’ll never forget. i think that man won’t forget it either, but i was the one who got the best gift in life—__20__. it also strikes me although it is only 77 cents.
  1. a. would like to      b. used to
  c. preferred to d. wanted to
  解析:选b。第二段中"mommy,you used to give money to those people. . . "一句暗示"我"以前总是帮助穷人。
  2. a. being b. getting
  c. feeling d. becoming
  解析:选c。feeling sorry for their hardship为现在分词短语作状语,表示原因。"由于我同情那些无家可归的人,我总是帮助他们。"
  3. a. but b. so
  c. and d. yet
  4. a. ran into b. ran down
  c. ran over d. ran to
  解析:选a。run into"沦落到,进入";run down"撞倒,撞沉,走下坡路,垮掉";run over"撞倒,撞翻并轧过";run to"驱车(送某人)去,跑向"。后面的宾语是the same situations,因此应填run into。
  5. a. rich b. single
  c. wild d. happy
  解析:选b。作者变成了一位single mother"单身母亲",与下文她没有住房、负债累累、几乎没有收入的境况相呼应。
  6. a. little b. no
  c. almost d. hardly
  7. a. unkind b. rude
  c. kind d. mean
  8. a. develop b. increase
  c. succeed d. change
  解析:选d。下句的"a home with a backyard for my daughter,and plenty of. . . "说明我的处境有所好转,事情有了变化(change)。
  9. a. give b. offer
  c. have d. supply
  10. a. money b. furniture
  c. food d. water
  11. a. order b. debt
  c. pay d. fee
  解析:选b。上段谈到a huge debt,而现在"我"还清了债务(debt)。
  12. a. in need b. in difficulties
  c. out of work d. out of order
  解析:选a。in need"在危难中,贫穷"。前文的"the homeless people"暗示此处选a。people in need"需要帮助的人,穷人"。
  13. a. listen b. speak
  c. talk d. respond
  解析:选d。respond"回答,响应",与reply 同义。女儿没有回答,说明她不同意妈妈的说法。
  14. a. street b. corner
  c. side d. road
  解析:选b。on the corner"在角落,在转角处"。下文的"he ran over with enthusiasm"(他赶紧跑过来)说明他当时不在马路上(street)或路边(side)。上文"one day we saw a homeless person in the street" 部分暗示应排除road。
  15. a. under b. to
  c. inside d. towards
  16. a. window b. door
  c. seat d. hand
  解析:选a。前文的"i was driving to pick up my daughter from school"可判断作者此时是在车上,因此她此时是摇下车窗(window)。
  17. a. excited b. wondered
  c. surprised d. asked
  解析:选c。在我给他钱的时候,我感觉非常奇怪。介词and 表示并列,因此该词应与strange近义,故选c。
  18. a. laughter b. cry
  c. happiness d. joy
  19. a. watched b. visited
  c. missed d. called
  解析:选b。宾语是my mother,应填visit,表示"看望,探望"。
  20. a. giving b. offering
  c. money d. having
  ⅲ. 阅读理解
  (XX年武汉4月)weighing too much can damage your health,and obesity is a growing problem for both kids and adults around the world.
  sleep might be one answer to the problem. a new study has found that elementary school students who slept too little were more likely to gain pounds. in the united states today, some 9 million children over the age of 6 are obese(too fat).
  past studies have shown a link between sleeping less and weighing more,but scientists have had a tough time determining"which came first,the chicken or the egg?" says julie c. lumeng of the university of michigan in ann arbor. in other words,it hasn’t been clear whether kids who weigh too much have trouble sleeping, or whether sleeping less leads to weight gain. both scenarios(情况)seemed equally possible.
  to get a better idea of which causes which, lumeng and his colleagues interviewed the parents of 785 third graders from around the united states. the parents answered questions about how well their kids slept that year. three years later, the parents answered the same questions. by sixth grade,18 percent of kids involved in the study were obese. the scientists found no relationship between weight and the students’ race or gender. it also didn’t matter how strict their parents were. obesity struck all of these groups equally.
  instead,sleep seemed to be the key factor. over the 3 years of the study, the children averaged a healthy 9. 5 hours of sleep a night. some kids, however,slept a lot more—or less—than others. for the sixth graders, every hour of sleep above the 9. 5 hour average was linked to a 20 percent lower risk of being obese. sleep appeared doubly important for the third graders. every extra hour of sleep they got was linked to a 40 percent drop in obesity by third grade.
  "i expected we’d find that this(sleep link with obesity) was just a_bunch_of_bunk,"says lumeng,a pediatrician. but their findings were convincing. no matter how her team looked at the link,"we couldn’t make it go away. "
  1. according to the research, ________.
  a. 9 million people in america have a weight problem
  b. not enough sleep contributes to a gain in weight
  c. sixth graders need more sleep than third graders
  d. lack of sleep has become the most deadly killer
  2. the statement "which came first,the chicken or the egg?" suggests that ________.
  a. scientists are sure about the causes of children’s obesity
  b. it’s easy to decide the cause and effect of this problem
  c. scientists are still confused about the cause and effect of the problem
  d. you’ll develop obesity if you eat chicken and eggs
  3. recent studies show that a child’s weight is influenced by the ________.
  a. amount of sleep b. parents’ attitude to him
  c. race or gender d. performance in school
  4. the underlined part in the last paragraph most probably means something ________.
  a. acceptable        b. understandable
  c. reliable d. unreasonable
  (XX年黄冈中学期中测试)doomed beauties such as cleopata and manilyn monroe were far from alone in their misery. very attractive people tend to form partnerships that are less stable and satisfying than those enjoyed by plain_janes .
  according to the research by dr john blaine of the university of southern california, relationships between people whose professions largely depend on their appearance, such as models or actors, tend to end much faster than those between lawyers, doctors and students.
  blaine said the beautiful felt different from children. they are treated as special, which may create both arrogance (傲慢)and insecurity. all too often, beauty can be used as an alternative to education. often they are pushed out of their class or town, told to go off and make their fortune in hollywood or london and, when the majority fail, they have few talents to make a living.
  blaine added that beautiful people score poorly on the "big five"—the key factors american experts consider when helping distressed couples. these are neuroticism(神经过敏),including anger and anxiety; extroversion(性格外向);openness to new experiences; agreeableness; conscientiousness, and sticking by agreements they have made. attractive people often see no reason to try to change until their looks start to fade.
  krista sutherlanf, of the university of california los angeles, said partnerships that appeared to be perfect from the outside, such as the former "dream teams" of nicole kidman and tom cruise or hugh grant and elizabeth hurley, where backgrounds and aspirations(抱负) are often shared ,did not necessarily lead to happiness.
  【解题导语】 本文为议论文,作者论证了这样一个观点:美女并不幸福。
  5. what can we infer from the first sentence of the passage?
  a. beautiful women always felt lonely.
  b. beautiful women were always alone.
  c. many beautiful women didn’t end up with a happy life.
  d. beautiful women always lived a happy life.
  解析:选c。考查推理判断。第一段说漂亮的人,其partnership 往往不如普通人的稳定和让人满意,由此判断,文章开头说"克莱奥帕特拉和玛丽莲•梦露等美女的悲惨命运绝非个例"意在表明"很多美女的生活都不幸福"。
  6. the underlined phrase "plain janes" in the passage refers to" ________".
  a. ordinary looking women b. women called jane
  c. common people d. attractive women
  解析:选a。考查词义猜测题。从语境看,画线部分的plain janes 指与前面提到的美女相对的、相貌平常的女性,因此选a。
  7. we can infer from the passage that ________.
  a. hugh grant and elizabeth hurley were a couple
  b. nicole kidman and tom cruise were very satisfied with their life
  c. when they fail in hollywood, the beautiful have little trouble in making a living
  d. the marriage of the beautiful often lasts long
  解析:选a。考查推理判断。最后一段说,外界看上去很完美的关系,比如……未必最终有幸福的结局。再结合上文论述可判断hugh grant和elizabeth hurley是夫妻关系,故选a,其他选项都与文章内容不符。
  8. which of the following is the best title?
  a. five key factors affecting the partnership
  b. beauties are doomed to fail in love
  c. beautiful or common?
  d. the beauties are different
