

  unit 1知识点1.something to drink/eat 一些喝的/吃的东西2.数字+more = another +数字 eg. three more = another three3.maybe adv. (副词),意思是"也许、可能",在句中作状语,相当于perhaps,常位于句首 在may be中,may是情态动词,be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为"也许是、可能是"。maybe和may be可相互转换。
  he may be in the office.= maybe he is in the office. 他或许在办公室。
  you may be right.= maybe you are right. 你或许是对的。4.an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩 a dishonest boy 一个不诚实的男孩5.keep a secret = keep secrets 保守秘密 keep a diary = keep diaries 记日记6.share my joy 分享我的快乐7.have problems (复数)(in) doing sth. = have trouble(不可数) (in) doing sth. = have difficulty (不可数)(in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 8.believe what he says = believe his words 相信他所说的话9.tell lies 说谎 tell stories 讲故事 tell jokes 讲笑话  lie v.动词, 躺 lie ---lay--lain  n.名词,谎话 tell lies 说谎10. interested adj.感到有趣的,一般修饰人 interesting adj. 令人感到有趣的,一般修饰物 interesting属外向性质的词,用于指人、事、物的外在影响方面,意为"使(外)人感兴趣的";interested属内向性质的词,用于指人的内心感受方面,意为"(内心)对„„感兴趣的"。试比较:a)that interesting old man came to our school every day.那个有趣的老人天天到我们学校来。(外在影响)b)an interested foreigner came and visited our school.一位感兴趣的外国人来参观我们学校。(内心感受)a)thisbookisinterestingtome.这本书在我看来很有趣。(外在影响)b)i’minterestedinthisbook.我对这本书很感兴趣。(内心感受) 课本例句:1)i think good friends should be interesting too. (page7)(外在影响) 2) max is so interesting. (page8)(外在影响)11.one of +形容词最高级+名字复数 eg. one of my best friends one of the tallest boys12. has 动词,"长着,"在句中作谓语动词;with 介词,"长着,戴着",在句中作定语 wear 动词,"穿着,戴着",在句中作谓语动词;in 介词,"穿着",在句中作定语 1) my sister has short hair. 动词,长着,做谓语动词 2) the girl with short hair is my sister.介词,长着,做定语,修饰the girl,不可用has,因为句中已经有谓语动词is 3)my sister wears small round glasses. 4)the girl with small round glasses is my sister.课本例句:she’s a small girl with a ponytail.(page14)(作定语)13.help sb. (to) do sth, 帮助某人做某事 help sb. with sth. 14.be willing to do sth.= be ready to do sth. 乐意做某事;愿意做做事15.give one’s seat on the bus to someone in need 在公交车上给需要的某人让座16.have a good voice 嗓音甜美 voice 嗓音 sound 声音 noise 噪音17.want to be 想成为 grow up 长大18.have a (good) sense of humour = be (very) humorous (很)有幽默感 a sense of ... ......感19.bored adj. (人)感到无聊的 boring adj.(人、物)令人感到无聊的feel bored 感到无聊的 a boring football match 一场令人感到无聊的足球赛20.walk past 走着经过 past 介词 动词+past pass 动词21.knock ... onto the floor 把......撞到地板上22.say a bad word about sb.说某人的坏话 "众说纷纭"① say +说话内容eg.say a bad word about sb; say to oneself 自言自语;② speak +语言; 打电话;作演讲③ talk with/to sb.; talk about sth.④ tell sb sth.; tell sb. (not) to do sth.;tell stories/jokes/lies 讲故事/讲笑话/说谎23.true adj.正确的,真实的 truly adv.(副词) truth n. 真相,真理,事实24.sb.worry about sth./sb. =sb. be worried about sth./sb. 某人担心某事/某人 sth. worry(worries三单/worried过去式) sb.某事让某人担忧eg. something worries me.(something 不定代词做主语,谓语动词用三单)25.look smart in his small round glasses 戴着圆圆的小眼镜让他看起来很神气 sb. look +adj.+in sth. = sth. look +adj.+on sb.26.be famous to 对于......很出名 be famous as 作为.....出名 be famous for 因为.....很出名27.make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友28.listen to sb. carefully 认真地听某人讲话 careful adj. 认真的,仔细的 adv.carefully <反> adj. careless 粗心的 adv.carelessly 29.travel around the world 环游世界 30.be kind to sb. 对某人很好 be friendly to sb.对某人友好的31.an artist 一名艺术家32.learn more about 了解更多关于..... learn 过去式:learned/ learnt33.take part in +比赛/活动= join in +比赛/活动 "参加......" join +组织/sb. "加入"join sb. in doing sth. 加入某人做某事34.be both/ be all (both/all放be动词后)35.smile v.& n. 微笑 adj. smiling 微笑的 smiling eyeswear/have a smile on one’s face 面带微笑36.patient n. 病人 adj.有耐心的 <反> impatient 没有耐心的,急躁的 an impatient teacher37.make an excellent teacher 成为一名优秀的教师38.形容词中比较级和最高级需要双写最后一个字母,再加er/est大(big)热(hot)天,一个穿红(red)衣浑身湿(wet)透的伤感(sad)胖(fat)子想要变得又瘦(thin)又苗条(slim)39.what be sb。like ?问某人的长相或品格what do(does) sb. look like?仅询问某人的长相what do(does) sb. like?问某人喜欢什么40.luck n. 运气 good luck to you.祝你好运。 lucky adj. 幸运的--luckily adv. unlucky adj.不幸的练习:一、单项选择1. we’ll try our best to do the work with ___ money ___ people. a. few, little b, a few, a little c. less, fewer d. fewer, less 2. now more and more chinese people are ___ enough to buy cars. a. rich b. weak c. poor d. strong 3. what about ___ football? a. to play b. play c. playing d. play 4. - look! this sweater is beautiful.-___. a. why not try it on b. why not try on it c. why not trying it on d. why not trying on it 5. what will you do if it ___ tomorrow? a. rain b. rains c. will rain d. is raining 6. the more , the ___. a. good b. best c. better d. well 7. max has a good sense ___ humor. a. of b. with c. to d. for 8. bill’s mother never goes to bed ___ he is back from school. a. until b. as c. since d. if9. -i think miss smith must be in her office. i have some question to ask her.-no, she ___ be there. i’ve just been there. a. can’t b. mustn’t c. needn’t d. won’t 10. usually, betty ___ colorful t-shirts in summer. a. wears b. is dressed c. is wearing d. dresses 11. -would you like some more tea? _____ , please. a. no more b. just a little  c. i’ve had enough d. yes, i would 12. let’s stop ___. i know a good restaurant near here. a. to have a meal b. to have a rest c. having a rest d. having a meal13. -mum, may i have some cakes? -sorry, there’s ___ left in the box. i’ll go and buy some for you tonight. a. nothing b. no one c. no d. none 14. i was born in xuzhou ___ 4th may 1964. a. at b. in c. on d. from 15. the weather in beijing is colder in winter than ___ in hainan. a. it b. that c. this d. one16. kate likes to work ___ children. a. for b. with c. to d. of17. his works made us ___. a. to laugh b. laugh c. laughing d. laughed 18. do you ___ singing an english song? a. want b. would like c. feel like d. want to19. i think kate is better for playing basketball, because she is ___ than jenny. a. shorter b. quieter c. taller d. fatter20. my sister is as ___ at maths as me. she often gets ___ grades. a. well, good b. better, had c. well, well d. good, goodkeys: 1------5 cacab 6------10 caaaa 11-----15 baacb 16-----20 bbccd二、词汇a.根据中文提示完成单词1. i am _______(乐意) to share a room with ma sister .2. tom has poor __________(视力) because of working on the computer too much at night.3. he is too ________ (紧张的) to answer my questions.4. i feel really ________ (不舒服的) when they talk me .5. i hope you can give me some _________(建议)b.用所给单词的正确形式填空1. playing football is ________ (healthy) than watching tv.2. it took me _________ (little) than a week to finish the work.3. he tells _________ (fun) jokes and always makes me laugh .4. i will be happy if i can make people_________(happy) again.5. i like her bright , _________ (smile) eyes.c.用所给动词的适当形式填空1. i want _______ (tell) you my friend betty.2. li lei always make us _________ (laugh) .3. he often ________(knock) our books and pens off the desk.4. my mother is a good cook . she is good at _______ (cook).5. i will go to the park if it ______ (not rain) tomorrow.keys: a: 1. willing 2. eyesight 3. nervous 4. uncomfortable 5. advice b: 1. healthier 2. less 3. funny 4.happy 5. smiling c: 1. to tell 2. laugh 3. knocks 4. cooking 5. doesn’t rain
  unit 2知识点1.why don’t sb. do sth.?= why not do sth.?2.what’s school like? it’s like watching tv. be like doing sth. (like 介词,介词+doing)3.an advertisement 一则广告 few/many advertisements 4.i’d love/like to,but ... i’m sorry,but...5.in year 8 (year eight) 名词+基数词(首字母都要大写)= in grade eight= in the eighth grade一般情况下:名词+基数词(首字母都要大写)= the +序数词+名词 (首字母小写)eg. lesson one = the first lesson 6.a mixed school 一所男女生混合的学校7.have lessons 上课 8.learning foreign languages is fun. 动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数  fun n.乐趣;娱乐活动;嬉戏,嬉闹;有趣的事 adj.使人愉快的;开心的 funny adj.滑稽的,可笑的 what (great/good) fun! have fun it is fun. (都不要冠词)9.borrow "借入" lend "借出"  borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物 lend sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人19.seem to do sth. 似乎做某事 seem (to be) +adj.  eg. he seems(to be)unhappy today.他今天似乎不高兴。11.offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物 12.an article 一篇文章 what else = what other things 13.any other +名词单数= the other +名词复数 any other boy = the other boys 14.spend ... on sth. / (in) doing sth. 花费......做某事15.wear uniforms 穿着校服 wear ties 打着领带16.do morning exercises 做早操 exercise "锻炼"不可数,其余都可数17.have (some time )off 休息(一段时间)18.have time for something "有时间做某事"19.go on a school trip 进行一次学校旅行20.half an hour 半小时 three hours and a half= three and a half hours 三个半小时21.have an english test 进行一次英语测试 read newspapers and magazines 读报刊杂志22.at weekends= at a weekend=on weekends= on a weekend 在周末练习一、单项选择题( ) 1. people in the uk say "lorry" while people in the usa say " ".a. hall b. elevator c. truck d. soccer( ) 2. if it next sunday, you still the great wall?a. will rain; do; visit b. will snow; will; visit c. rains; do; visit d. rains; will visit( ) 3. he always looks . now he’s looking at his new drawing.a. happy; happily b. happy; happy c. happily; happily d. happily; happy( ) 4. what’s your best friend like?a. he is fine. thank you. b. he is a doctor.c. he likes watching tv. d. he is helpful and generous.( ) 5. chinese students have weeks in the summertime than american students. a. more; on b. fewer; on c. more; off d. less; off( ) 6. i have money than you, but i have friends than you. a. more; more b. less; more c. fewer; more d. more; less( ) 7. i feel ______ because my job is too ______.
  a. bored, boring b. bored, bored c. boring, boring d. boring, bored( ) 8. –what makes you so ________ today, jack? it is your first day of school.  --because my teacher says i am ________ honest boy.  a. happily; an b. happily; a c. happy; a d. happy; an( ) 9. mr fat has _______ money than mr thin, but he has _______ friends. a. more, fewer b. more, less c. fewer, more d. less, less( ) 10. the taxi is going faster than the bus.a. very b. much c. more d. most( ) 11. this problem is ________ that one.a. not as easy as b. more easy thanc. not as easier as d. not easier than( ) 12. yao ming is one of ________ basketball stars in the usa.  a. much popular b. more popular c. most popular d. the most popular( ) 13. nancy spent half an hour ________ the piano every day. a. to practice playing b. practising playing c. practising to play d. to practise to play( ) 14. ----would you please not smoke here? look at the sign. ---- ________.   a. no, i will b. yes, i will c. sorry, i will d. sorry, i won’t( ) 15. my little brother is generous ___his friends. he’d like to share toys ____ them. a. for, to b. to, with c. to, for d. for, with( ) 16. please do the exercises as _____as you can in the english exam. a. well b. good c. better d. best( ) 17. mike’s father always makes him _____ some housework on sundays. a. to do b. doing c. do d. does( ) 18. mum, i am so hungry. could i have _____________? a. anything eating b. anything to eat c. something eating d. something to eat( ) 19. my hometown is ____________ beautiful than his. a. very much b. more much c. much more d. very more( ) 20. a lot of people tried their best, but ______ people won the prize. a. a few b. few c. little d. a little( ) 21. in china, most schools are ________ school. a. mix b. mixing c. mixed d. mixes( ) 22. amy scored the _____ points in swimming. i hope she can do better next time. a. less b. least c. fewer d. fewest( ) 23. in our school library, there _____a number of books on science and the number of them _______growing larger and larger.a. is; are b. are; is c. is; is d. are; are( ) 24. she is better at english than ______in the class. a . any other student b. the other student c . the one of any other student d. those of any other student( ) 25. we lost the match because they had _______players. they had eleven and we had only nine. a . stronger b . younger c . fewer d . morekeys: 1—5 cdadc 6-10 badab 11-15 adbdb 16-20 acdcb 21-25 cdbad二、词汇 a) . 请根据句意或括号中的中文提示、英文释义,写出句中所缺单词使句子通顺。1. english is one of the most important _______________(语言)in the world.2. i also keep writing in________(法语) about my daily life.3. we will have the _________(每周的) test next week.4. the more careful you are, the ________(少的) mistakes(错误) you will make.5. we spent half an hour __________( to talk about sth) these maths problems.b)根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。quick little care slim america 6.among my friends, leo does his homework ________7. kitty exercises more often than sandy. so kitty looks ________than sandy.8.how _________the monkey climbed that tall tree!9. please look after these bags. they are those_________.10. which city gets the________ rain every year, zhenjiang, beijing or guangzhou? c. 根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。 finish rain visit drive have 11.it rained heavily yesterday, so my father me to school12.he ________ his homework in ten minutes.13. she ___________ her grandparents next sunday, isn’t she?14. it’s half past eleven now. he _______ lunch.15. we won’t go swimming if it __________tomorrow.keys: a1. languages 2.french 3. weekly 4.fewer 5. discussingb6. the most carefully 7. slimmest 8.quickly 9. americans’10.leastc11. drove 12.will finish 13.is going to visit 14.are having 15.rains
  unit 3知识点1. be going to +动词原形,一般将来时,表示打算或计划做某事。be随句子主语的人称和数量变化而变化。e.g. we’re going to buy a new tv tomorrow. he is giong to play football with his friends this sunday.2. exercise 意为"锻炼、训练、练习" (1)做动词:you don’t exercise enough. (2) 做名词:作"练习"和"早操"讲,是可数名词 e.g. if you want to improve your english,you must do more exercises. they do morning exercises every morning.3. need 意为"需要",可作实义动词和情态动词 (1)实义动词:need + 名词/动词不定式 e.g. i need much more money. you’re too fat, you need to exercise.need + v.ing形式时表示被动意义 e.g. the flowers need watering. your clothes need washing.(2) need 做情态动词时,不能单独作谓语,只能和其他动词原形构成谓语; 在句中放在谓语动词之前,谓语动词前若有助动词,则在助动词之前;疑问句中,则在主语之前。 多用在否定句或疑问句中; 无人称和数的变化; 否定式构成是在后面加"not"。 e.g. you need not attend the meeting tomorrow. youdidn"tneedtotellhimthenews;itjustmadehimsad.needn"t+have+过去分词表示"过去做了没必要做的事情。"
  这件事情你不必太认真。4. come on 的用法(1)用来请求、激励、劝说时,意为"来吧",如: come on, lucy. don’t be so shy. come on, you can do it .(2) 用来催促别人快走/做…时,意为"快点",如:come on, it’s getting dark.come on, mr wang is waiting.(3) 用来表示责备和不耐烦,意为"得了吧,行了,够了",如: come on, don’t sit there dreaming.(4) 用于体育竞赛等场合激励队友时,意为"加油",如: come on, come on,!(5)用于挑战或激怒对方时,意为"来吧,试试吧,好吧",如: come on, i’m not afraid of you.5. enjoy onesflf 意为"玩的开心",相当于have a good/great/wonderful time 或者have fun.onesflf是反身代词,它包括ourselves我们自己;yourself你自己;yourselves你们自己;themselves他/它/她们自己; itself它自己;himself他自己;herself她自己;myself我自己 e.g. they enjoyed themselves during the holiday.拓展:enjoy sth./doing sth.,相当于like e.g. my little sister enjoys reading picture books.6. take a boat trip 意为"乘船旅行"。常用词组take a bus/taxi/plane to someplace tour指的是在各处作短暂停留的长距离旅行。trip(休闲或公事等的)短途旅行travel到远方去或长期旅行journey较正式的用语;通常指有预定地点的长途旅行。7. take care 意为"保重"或者"小心" e.g. take care not to hurt yourself. 拓展:take care of = look after8. invite sb. to do sth. 意为"邀请某人做某事" e.g. i invited him to join our club. invite sb. to sp. 意为"邀请某人去某地" e.g. amy invited me to her birthday party.9. join 意为"加入、参加",表示加入某个组织、党派或社会团体从而成为其成员。 e.g. join the pioneer 加入少先队 join the army 参军 join in 也是"加入、参加",多指参加比赛或活动 e.g. why didn’t you join in the talk last night?10. beginning 意为"开始、开端、起点"。 from beginning to end 自始至终 at the beginning = at first "起初,开始",反义词组为at the end at the beginning of…在…的初期 e.g. at the beginning of april 四月初 11. arrive at 意为"到达",arrive at +小地点(如村、镇、车站等) arrive in 也是"到达",arrive in +大地点(如国家、大城市等) 拓展:arrive,get和reach都有"到达"的意思,arrive和get都是不及物动词,前者较正式,后者较口语化。两者之后均不可直接加宾语,但可接here, there, home之类表地点的副词作状语。e.g. we got/ arrived here last night. 要表示"到达某地",arrive要借助介词in或者at;而get其后需接介词to, e.g. when we got to the park, it began to rain.reach是及物动词,后面直接跟地点名词作宾语,reach nanjing 到南京。reach之后也可接here,there,home等词。12. be made of 意为"由…制成",强调从成品中可以看得出原材料。e.g. the desk is made of wood. 桌子由木头制成。 be made from 也是"由…制成"的意思,强调从成品中看不出原材料。 e.g. paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头制成的。 拓展:be made in "由…制造",强调产地 e.g. this kind of machine is made in china. be made by "被…(人)制造",说明制造者是谁 e.g. this ship is made by the workers.13. "it’s +adj. +动词不定式"句型,意为"做某事是…" e.g. it"s boring to stay at home. 呆在家很无聊。 此句中代词it只作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。所以此句可改成: to stay at home is boring.14. it takes (sb.) some time to do sth.意为"花费某人多少时间去做某事",这里的it作形式主语,真正的主语是to do sth. e.g. it takes me half an hour to walk to school every day.15. 反身代词。当主语和谓语是同一个人时,我们使用反身代词。 (1)反身代词做同位语,用于强调 e.g. the manager himself served the customers. (主语同位语)the manager served the customers himself. (主语同位语) i told them i wanted to see the manager himself. (2) 反身代词作介词宾语 e.g. she finnshed the job by herself. (3) 反身代词作动词宾语,有些动词与反身代词成固定搭配,翻译时"自己"多不译出。 enjoy oneself 玩的开心 help oneself 自便、自取 behave oneself 有礼貌、规矩16. take place 意为"举行、发生"。多指举行活动 e.g the school sports meeting will take place tomorrow. happen 多指无计划,偶然发生的事。happen to sb./sth."遭遇"指不好的事发生在某人、某物上 e.g. what happened to you? a car accident happened to him yesterday. 拓展:take one’s place或take the place of sb./sth. 意为"代替某人/某物"17. forget to do sth. 意为"忘记做某事"(未做) e.g. my mother often forgets to turn off the light. don’t forget to bring your homework here tomorrow. 拓展:forget doing sth. 意为"忘了做过某事"(已做)e.g. i’ll never forget seeing her dance for the first time. he forgot turning the light off.18. as soon as possible 意为"尽早的",相当于as soon as you can e.g. come back as soon as possible/ you can.练习一、单项填空1. _______ 100 millions climbers come to the mountain.a. over b. less  c. more d. under2. the desk is made _______ wood, and the books are made _______ wood, too.a. of; of b. from; from  c. of; from d. from; of3. he didn’t go to australia, _______ he?a. doesn’t  b. didn’t  c. does d. did4. my grandfather is _______.he often exercises.a. kind b. health c. fine  d. funny5. would you like to _______ us?we are going to eat out.a. take part in  b. join c. attend  d. help6. he _______ the sydney opera house when it rained.a. was visiting b. visiting c. visit d. visits7. his mother arrived _______ beijing yest er day.a. to b. at c. in d. on8. lin tao has _______ homework this weekend.a. too much b. much too c. too many d. many too9. she got _______ the bus and left her parents.a. off b. on c. up d. with10. the roads in the town are as _______ as the ones in the city. four cars can cross at the same time.a. wide  b. widely c. clear  d. clearly11. she enjoyed _______ in the park last weekend.a. himself b. herself c. itself  d. ourselves12. grandfather often _______ stories in the evening.a. speaks b. tells  c. says d. talks13.the soup _______ a little salty.a. looks b. tastes c. smells  d. sounds14. the teacher kept students _______ books for half an hour.a. read b. reading c. reads  d. to read15. what’s the _______ of what he said?a. meaning b. mean c. means d. to mean1-5 acdcb 6-10 acaba 11-15 bbbba二、词汇运用根据句意和首字母提示完成句子1. koalas are from a_______ .2. the p_______ of the usa lives in the white house.3. the bridge is not w_______ enough to let three cars cross at the same time.4. the window is made of s_______ , so it’s very strong.5. it’s a long and boring j_______ from the village to xiantai by train.6 there are many places of i_______, like the great wall and the summer palace.7. he tried to p_______ the cow out of the house.8. don’t take so much money. the tickets are f_______ for children.9. children c_______ for the exciting news.[ 10. there are no clouds in the s_______ .keys: 1-5 australia president wide steel journey6-10 interest pull free cheered sky用所给单词的适当形式填空1. help _______(you) to the fish, children!2. _______(final) the mother found her lost son.3. _______(luck) he wasn’t in the house when the earthquake happened.4. wang yun is a great _______(climb). he arrived at the top of hill first in the climbing match.5. i think computers are _______(use) in our daily life.6. her skirt has many colours. it’s a _______(colour) one.7. he is a strange man because he _______(keep) a snake as a pet last year.8. do you know the _______(mean) of the word?9. jack is too young to look after _______(he).10. her mother _______(get) on the plane when she reached there.keys: 1-5 yourselves finally luckily climber useful6-10 colourful kept meaning himself was getting
  unit 4知识点1、 clear instructions清晰的说明clear: a. 形容词,"清晰的,明亮的",副词形式为clearly;  b. 动词,"扫除,出去",词组为clear up, clear way, "清理,打扫"2、had better do sth. 最好做某事 had不能改为have或has, 对上级或长辈不宜用此结构3、 no problem. 没问题a. 用于回答感谢b. 用于回答道歉c. 表示同意或愉快地回答请求d. 表示有能力做某事,意为"没问题,不在话下"4、 stand for 代表,象征stand的词组: stand up站立,经得起,抵抗 stand in 代替,顶替 stand out突出,出色 stand by支持,袖手旁观,做好准备 stand back 往后退,置身事外5、 decorate 动词,修饰,装饰。名词形式decoration. 常见词组decorate…with 用…装饰6、 instead与instead ofa. instead 意为代替,替代,作副词用,通常位于句尾。如位于句首,常用逗号与后面隔开。eg: lily isn’t here. ask lucy instead.b. instead of是介宾短语,后面一般跟名词、代词、介词、短语、动词-ing形式。eg: i’ll go instead of her.7、be crazy about 热衷于,迷恋上 be crazy for渴望,迷恋上 drive someone crazy 使某人发狂8、put in与put into a. put in 意为"安装,添上,插话" eg: can i put in a word? 我能插话吗 b. put into "将…注入" eg: he put as much feeling into his voice as he could.9、keep doing与keep on doing: 两者均可表示"继续做某事,反复做某事",但是keep on更强调时间的间隔性和动作的反复性,及某人做某事的决心。eg: he kept on working until midnight though he was tired.10、 advise的用法advise doing sth. 建议做某事advise sb to do sth. 建议某人做某事advise sb against doing sth. 劝告某人不要做某事advise sb of sth 通知或告知某人有某种情况11、mix with把东西混合起来;mix up 弄混,误认为…是12、add的用法add…to..把…加到…中去add 补充说道add to增加,增添add…up 把…加起来13、 it’s time的用法it’s time to do sth.该做某事了。it’s time for sth. 该做某事了14、stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来做某事15、fix, mend与repair的用法a、fix侧重于修理,有时也可用作安装eg: the workers are fixing the machine.b、mend着重修补小到日常用具,大到较复杂的物体eg: can you mend a broken dish?c、repair常指修缮损失重大或构造较复杂的失误,也可指修鞋eg: i am going to have my bike repaired tomorrow.16、have fun 同义词组 have a good/great/wonderful time = enjoy oneself 玩得开心,后跟动词的ing形式。eg: we had fun listening to dream show.  did you have fun playing with your friends?练习一.根据句意,用括号中所给的适当形式填空。1. you must try your best (work) harder than before.2. would you please (help) me with my english?3. i (not have) any money in my pocket now.4. how long did you spend (learn) to swim last summer?5. the football match (take) place in our school last week.6. don’t make that boy (stand) outside the door.7. they advised me (go) shopping with them last sunday.keys: 1. to work 2. help 3. don’t have 4. learning 5. took 6. stand 7. to go二、单选( ) 1. they advise us football on the road. a. play b. to play c. not to play d. not play( ) 2. –do you finish the work? -no, but no matter how hard it is, we’ll keep on until we make it. a. failed b. trying c. tried d. failing( ) 3. ---i don’t think their going swimming telling parents is good idea. ---but thing are now better worse. they’ll let their parents know before going. a. instead of; without b. without; instead of  c. without ; than d. instead of; than( ) 4 –mr wang, would you please tell me the result of the test? -you did a good job. you made mistakes. a. a few b. few c. a little d. little( )5. ---can you tell me how to make a cake? --- . let me show you. a. no way b. no problem c. forget it d. thank you( )6. ---mum, there no apples. can i use oranges ? ---ok. a. too b. instead of c. yet d. instead( ) 7. he is a good teacher, a good friend. a. not only; but also b. not; also c. not; but d. not; so( ) 8. we could some movie posters on the wall of our cinema.a. put out b. put off c. put down d. put up( ) 9. if you feel tired, you’d better . a. to stop running b. stop running c. stop to run d. to stop to runkeys: 1-5 cbbbb 6-9 dadb三、翻译1. diy代表着"你自己做"。diy "do it yourself".2. 明天我们将去钓鱼而不是去游泳。we’ll go fishing swimming tomorrow.3. 明天你最好早点起床。 up earlier tomorrow.4. 我需要一把剪刀。i need .5.我爸爸对足球很痴迷。 my father football.6.去年我们在一起工作得很开心。 last year, we . 7.我决定独自去北京。 i go to beijing .8.刚才我总是把这个单词拼错。 i just now.keys: 1 stands for 2 instead of going 3 you’d better get 4 a pair of scissors 5 is crazy about6 had fun working together 7 always made mistakes spelling this word
  unit 5知识点
  1.would like to do sth. 想要做某事 would like sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事
  2.could sb. please do sth.? could sb. please not do sth.?
  3.have /take pity on sb. 同情某人 it"s a pity!真遗憾!
  4.die <动词>死亡 过去式:died 现在分词:dying (也可作形容词:垂死的) 形容词:dead 名词:death
  eg. his father died ten years ago. his father"s death makes him feel sad. his father was dead.
  the doctor saved a dying boy.
  5.danger <名词>危险 adj. dangerous 危险的 be in danger 处境危险 be out of danger 脱离危险
  6.live in the wild 生存在野外
  7.in fact 事实上
  8.重100多克 weigh over 100 grams
  9.一开始 in the beginning
  at the beginning常与of 连用,表示"在……之初"。in the beginning 一般不与of连用。
  at the beginning 也可单独使用,表示"起初,开始",这时可与in the beginning替换。at first和at the start
  10.go outside for the first time 第一次出去
  11.八个月后 eight months later
  12.以......为生 live on sth. live mainly on sth. 主要以...为生
  13.学会照顾她自己 learn to look after herself
  14.面临严重的问题 face serious problems = be faced with serious problems
  15.竹林 bamboo forests
  16.立即采取措施 take action right away
  17.结果是 as a result
  18.制定法律 make laws lawyer n. 律师
  释义   指代人/物   与疑问词连用   其它用法   nothing   没什么;没什么东西   指物   用于回答what引导的问句。   ----what’s in the bag?   ----nothing.   1、不与of连用;   2、作主语时谓语动词用单数。   nobody   /no one   没有人;无人   指人   用于回答who引导的问句。   ----who’s in the classroom?   ----no one.   /nobody.   1、不与of连用;   2、作主语时谓语动词用单数。   none   一个也没有;毫无   指人;   指物。   用于回答how many/how much引导的问句。   ----how many students are there in the classroom?   ----none.   1、可与of连用;   2、作主语时谓语动词用单复数均可;   3、用于指代前文中出现过的名词;   4、表示"三者或三者以上"的全部否定。表示"两者"全部否定用neither。   20.as a result 和as a result of 的区别   as a result 单独使用,后面一般用逗号隔开,并且不能连结2个句子。   he worked hard at his study.as a result, he passed the exam easily.   as a result of + 名词或者代词.   as a result of his hard work, he passed the exam easily.   21.it is difficult for sb. do sth.   22.however 与but区别:however与but 两者都做"但是,然而"讲,而且都引出并列句。从语义上看,but所表示的是非常明显的对比,转折的意味较however要强。从语序上看,but总是位于所引出的分句之首,而however却可位于句首、句中和句末,同时从标点符号上看,but之后一般不得使用逗号,而however则必须用逗号与句子其它部分分开。   23.sadly,luckily等副词,修饰一个句子时,常位于句首,用逗号隔开。   24.the horse is standing with its eyes closed. with +宾语+open/closed (形容词做宾语补足语)   25.work out 算出,解决 work out easy maths problems   26.get lost 迷路= lose one"s way= lose oneself (lose的过去式:lost,其形容词也是lost)   27.anything special 不定代词的形容词放后面(定语后置)   28.save some food 储存一些食物 save v. 储存;救 save money 存钱 save water 节约用水   29.a short while 片刻   30.lose living areas 丧失掉居住地 lose one"s life(pl.lives)丢掉性命   31.be dangerous to 对...危险   32.what a shame!=what a pity!真可惜!   33.act to protect wild animals 行动起来保护野生动物   34.in the daytime 在白天   35.sleep through the winter 冬眠   36. make a living 谋生,维持生计   he makes a living by writing. 他靠写作谋生。练习一、单选( )1. boys, i’ll tell you , and you can do it .a. how to do; by yourself b. what to do; by yourselfc. how to do; alone d. what to do; on your own( )2. ---how old is the baby boy? ---he is an ________ boy.   a. 8 months old b. 10 month old c. 8-month-old d. 10-month-old   ( )3. giant pandas will have to live if farmers keep ____ their living areas.   a. somewhere; take b. nowhere; taking   c. everywhere; take d. anywhere; taking   ( )4. would you please ________ the children ________ with snake?   a.to ask; not to play b. ask; not to play c. ask; not play d. ask; don’t play( )5. you must be very tired. why not a rest?   a. stop taking b. stop to take c. to stop taking d. to stop to take( )6. if simon ______hard, he ______ better results in english. a. work; gets b. works; gets c. works; will get d. will work; will get( )7. i saw such a beauty ______ in my life.   a. on time b. in time c. at the same time d. for the first time( )8. it’s said that the poor man died ______the morning of january 12th. a. on b. at c. in d. by( )9. if we do nothing, there ______no more giant pandas. a. will have b. will has c. will be d. will be going to have( )10. --- ______does the baby mouse weigh? ---about 20 grams. a. how b. what c. how many d. how much( ) 11. his father ______ five years ago. a. died b. dead c. die d. was dead( ) 12. do you write a report ______ wild animals danger for the newspaper? a. about; on b. on; in c. to; from d. in; with( )13.you’d better ___________ play football on the street. it’s very dangerous. a. not to play b. not play c. play d. not playing( )14.— would you mind if i open the window? — ______, i got a cold. a. you’d better not. b. never mind. c. of course not. d. all right( )15.—i ’m worried about my english. —________harder________ you will catch up with your classmates! a. working; and. b. to work; or c. work; and. d. worked; or. ( )16. --- does the baby mouse weigh? ---about 20 grams. a. how heavy b. what c. how many d. how much( )17.---______do you know about wild animals? --- very little. a. how many b. what c. how much d. how well( )18.---how many apples are there in your bag? ---___________ a. no b. no one c. nothing d. none( )19.when one walks in a forest alone, he may be ______because there are many ______animals around them. a. dangerous; in danger b. in danger; in danger;c. in danger; dangerous d. dangerous.; dangerous   ( )20.---i’ll go to see my grandfather this afternoon ,so i can’t go swimming with you. ---____ a. it’s my pleasure b. you’re welcome c. that’s a pity d. sure, i am   二、翻译句子1、如果我们什么也不做,很快世界上可能就一只熊猫也不剩了。if we _____________________, soon there ___________________________ in the world.2、然而竹林变得越来越少。___________, the bamboo forests _____________________________________________.3、结果,大熊猫可能无处生存,无以为食。 _________________, pandas __________________________________________________.4、我们应该帮熊猫建造更多的熊猫保护区并且制定法律保护他们。we should help pandas _______________________and ____________________________.5、你什么时候出生的?我出生于一个下雨天的早晨。 when _________________________? i _________________________ a rainy morning.一、 acbbb cdacd abbac dcdcc二、 1. do nothing, may be no panda left2. however, become less and less3. as a result, may have no place to live and no food to eat.4. build more panda reserve, make laws to protect them5. were you born, was born on   unit 6知识点1. how many与how much的区别how many用来修饰可数名词的复数,how much用来修饰不可数名词,表示数量,也可单独使用表示多少钱2. rare作为形容词,意为"罕见的,珍贵的",同义词是unusual.3. one of… 意为"…之一",厚街名词复数。如果名词复数前有形容词修饰,则用形容词的最高形式。4. provide sb. with sth. =provide sth. for sb.5. cover (1) 名词,意思为封面,盖子,覆盖物,栖息地 (2) 动词,表示覆盖,遮蔽时,常与介词with连用;还可表示支付费用6. all year round 一年到头7. while意为然而,引导并列句,while前后句子结构相同,句意相反或者相对8. stay的用法:a. stay 作为名词,意为停留b. stay作为动词,意为停留,逗留,呆,继续9. in order to意为"为了",表示目的。在用法和意义上与so as to结构类似,但是in order to结构可置于句首,句中,而so as to多用于句中。其否定式直接在to前加not.10. prevent sb. from doing sth. =stop sb. from doing sth. =keep sb. from doing sth.11. change a. 作为动词。change..for… 用…换… change… into … 把…变成… b. 作为名词。表示改变,后面用介词in;还可表示找零。12. importance=be important13. see sb. do sth 看见某人做某事see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事15.be home to …的家园16. sound, noise与voice的区别:sound是指自然界中所有的声音;noise指很响的刺耳的声音;voice指人通过发音器官发出的声音。练习一、单项选择。1. --cranes need more people’s help.--yes. people working in the reserve are doing something __________ these birds. a. protect b. protecting c. to protecting d. to protect2. if more and more wetlands disappear(消失), there __________ space for plants and animals. a. will going to be fewer and fewer b. is more and more c. will be less and less d. is going to be fewer and fewer3. the weather in north china __________ hot in summer. a. must be b. can be c. might be d. mustn’t be4. i hope __________ finish your homework first. a. you to b. you c. to you d. that5. he couldn’t run __________ to catch up with the cat. a. enough fast b. quick enough c. fast enough d. enough quickly6. hurry up, there’s no time __________. a. leaving b. left c. leaves d. leave7. my brother and i want to visit __________ at hospital. a. one of our good friend b. one of our best friend c. one of our good friends d. one of our best friends8. zhalong is a wonderful home for cranes and __________ birds. a. another b. other c. the other d. others9. the parents __________ food and clothes. a. provide the children to b. provide the children for c. provide the children against d. provide the children with10. please tell me the change __________ the number of students in our school. a. in b. into c. to d. with二、补全句子。1. 卧龙自然保护区为大熊猫提供了一个重要的生存区域。. wolong nature reserve gaint pandas.2. 建更多的高楼会导致越来越少的耕地。building more tall buildings ________________________________ farmland. 3. 许多人带手机是为了拍照和听音乐。many people take mobile phones __________________________ take photos and listen to music. 4. 小孩子白天总是充满活力。little children are always _______________________________ . 5. 扎龙的鸟类正面临着许多问题。the birds in zhalong nature reserve __________________________________.一、1-5 dcdbc 6-10bdbda二、1. provides an important living area for 2. can lead to less and less3. in order to 4. active in the daytime 5. are facing many problems   unit 7知识点1.bring, take的区别:bring意为"带来",强调带到说话人这边来。bring sb. sth.=bring sth. to sb. take意为"带走",是指从说话人这把某物拿走。2. look cool 看起酷 feel cool 感觉酷3. the best time to do sth.最某事的最佳时间,此处为动词不定式作后置定语,修饰前面的名词。4. favourite=like best 最喜欢which is your favourite season? =which season do you like best?5.be full of = be filled with 充满…两者区别不大,基本可以通用。be full of强调状态,be filled with强调过程the box is full of apples. = the box is filled with apples.6. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事 forget doing sth. 忘记已做过某事与remember的用法相同。remember to do sth. 记得要做某事 remember doing sth.记得做过某事7. be far away, be far from 与be+具体的距离+away froma. be far away 意为遥远,后面不跟地点。eg: my school is far away.b. be far from 意为离…远,后面跟地点。eg: my school is far away from my home.c. be+具体的距离+away from表示具体的远。eg: my home is 20 kilometers away from the hospital.8. what a perfect time to fly a kite!真是一个放风筝的完美时间啊!a. what + a/an +adj.+ 单数可数名词+主语+谓语! what a fine day it is!b. what+ adj. +可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语! what kind women they are!9. turn的用法a. turn动词,意为变化,尤指颜色方面的变化。如:her face turns red.b. turn动词,意为转弯。 如:turn left, and you will see the hospital on your right.c. turn名词,意为轮次。如:it’s your turn to read the book now.d. 固定搭配:turn on/off 打开/关闭(电视或收音机等电器) turn up/down 将声音调大/调小10. fall down 落下,掉下 fall off 从…掉下来 fall over 搬到11. as the days are shorter and the temperature drops. as是连词,意为随着。12. be busy doing sth. 忙着做某事。eg; farmers are busy harvesting crops.13. catch a bad cold 得了重感冒have a high fever 发高烧cough 咳嗽14. below是介词,意为在…下面,其反义词为above, 如 below zero 零下below 不强调在物体的正下方,under一般强调在物体的正下方。15. in the thirties 在三十几,这个数字往往指从30到39十个数字,所以用整数的复数表示。eg: she is about in her twenties. 她大概20几岁的样子。16. the rest of the week本周的剩余时间 the rest of sth = the other of sth.rest还表示休息,作为休息时,既可以作为动词又可以作为名词。17. how’s the weather? 天气怎么样= what’s the weather like? 18. a bit of与a bita bit 意为一点点,修饰形容词和副词,相当于a littlea bit of也表示一点点,但修饰名词,如a bit of water 一点点水练习一、单项选择1. daniel is my friend. 1 like to share my with him when 1 am happy.a. joy b. happy c. sad d. secrets2. the changjiang river is _________in the world.a. a longest river b. the longest riverc. one of the longest river d. one of the longest rivers3. ----what’s the weather like today? ---- it’s ________ warm ________ yesterday.a. so; that b. as; as c. not; until d. too ; to4. i don’t like milk, but my mother makes me ________ it .a. to drink b. drinks c. drink d. drinking5. they had a wonderful time _______________ .a. chat on the internet b. chatting on the internetc. chat in the internet d. chatting in the internet6. we should have ______fast food, ________fresh vegetables and take enough exercise.a. fewer, fewer b. less, more c. fewer, more d. less, less7. ---- i’ve had enough bread. would you like _______ ? ---- no, thanks.a. a few more b. one more c. another more d. some more 8. he always looks . now he"s looking at his new drawing.a. happy; happily b. happy; happy c. happily; happily d. happily; happy9. ----who did it better, bill or henry?----i think bill did just henry.a. as well as b. as good as c. as better as d. more badly than10. ---- __________ do you play football? ---- once a week.a. how long b. how soon c. how often d. how 二、词汇x kb 1 .co ma. 根据句意,中文提示或英文释义,写出所缺单词,使句子通顺。1.he is reading some ____________ ( 广告 ) to find a job.2. though he is not as f________ as a superstar, many people know his name.3. mr wang’s _______ ( the ability to see ) is very good so he doesn’t need to wear glasses.4. of all the subjects, i like ________ ( 科学 ) best .5. people in britain say " film " while people in the usa say "________ ".b. 根据句意从方框中选出合适的词,并用其适当形式填空。 slim correct worry fly walk   6. --- jack, how did you go to work today?--- i usually go to work by bus, but this morning i ______ there.7. i’m very excited because we ________ to beijing.8. mille sometimes goes to may, when something _______ her.9. he is very smart and can always answer questions ________.10. of all the girls, betty is the _________ .一.1-5adbcb 6-10 bdaac二.1. advertisements 2.famous 3. eyesight 4. science 5. movie 6. walked 7.will fly 8.worries 9. correctly 10. slimmest   unit 8知识点1.rain的用法a. rain作为动词,意为下雨,降雨。 it was raining hard when i got home yesterday evening.b. rain作为名词,意为雨,大雨。don’t go out in the rain. c. rainy是形容词,意为有雨的,下雨的。 spring is a rainy season in this country.2.all的用法a. 副词,意为完全地,十分地。eg: he is all wrong.b. 形容词,意为一切的,所有的,全部的。eg: all the students in our school are friendly to us.c. 代词,意为一切,全部,后接复数动词,表示全体,大家。all goes well.3. final: a. 用作名词,意为决赛。our school football team goes to the final. b. 用作形容词,意为最后的。i didn’t read the final chapter of the book.4. thousands of people成千上万的人 hundred of, millions of如果hundred, thousand, million等前面加具体数字时,不可以用复数,也不可以和of连用。5.wash away把…冲走 wash off 使某物被冲洗走 wash out 洗干净,洗掉 wash up洗去,把…冲上岸6. hear of听说 hear from sb.收到某人的来信7. like与as的区别like与as都表示"像…",但like是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词,不可接从句;而as为连词,后接从句。like every other students, tom is bad at grammar.when in rome, do as the romans do. 8.in fear在恐惧中 in surprise惊讶地 in danger处于危险中 in a hurry匆忙地 in poor health 健康欠佳9.try one’s best to do sth. 尽力做某事 = do one’s best to do sth.try doing sth. 设法、试图做某事10.in all directions = in every direction 向四面八方direction作名词,还可意为指示,说明11. not…at all一点也不,根本not at all 不用谢12. since, as, because三个词都表示因为,引导原因状语从句。a. since表示稍加分析就得出来的双方都知道的原因,意为既然,也常为于句首。since everyone is here, let’s begin our meeting.b. as引导的从句多放于句首,表示十分明显的原因,意为由于,鉴于as you were not there, i left a message.c. because引导的从句常位于句末,表示直接的原因或理由,常用于回答why引导的问句。i was late because i was ill yesterday.13. already, still与yeta. already多放于助动词前,强调事情的发生比预计或应该发生的时间早。b. still表示某事正在进行还未停止,或某状态依然存在,某位置一般在句子的中间。c. yet用来讨论某事在意料之中,多用于疑问句或否定句中。练习( ) 1.i saw his brother ______ in the bedroom when i walked past.a. to do his homework b. does his homework c. doing his homework d. did his homework( ) 2. –what made the farmers _______? -the snowstorm killed all of their animals. a. sadly b. sadness c. sad d. was sad ( ) 3. there is a piece of glass on the road. would you like ______ with me? a. move it away b. move away it c. moving it away d. to move it away( ) 4. the rain is ______ and the wind is _______. a. heavy; strong b. heavily; hardly c. big; strong d. heavily; hard( ) 5. hurry up! ______ you will be late for school. a. and b. or c. but d. so( ) 6. the boy turned back and looked at me_______. a. in surprising b. in surprise c. in surprised d. with surprise( ) 7. simon got up very late this morning. so he went to school ________. a. with a great hurry b. in a great hurry c. without hurry d. at great hurry( ) 8. the teacher asked ________. a. what they are talking about b. how long he studied herec. where did he go d. what they were doing( )9. everyone wants_______ know________. a. to, what to do b. /, what to do it c. to, how to do d. /, how to do it( )10. i don’t think he is right, __________? a. do i b. don’t i c. is he d. does he( )11. it is dangerous_______ a car_____ a snowy day. a. top drive, in b. to drive, on c. drive, in d. drive, on( )12. would you please_____ mistakes any more? a. don’t make b. not to make c. not make d. to not make( )13. _____ anybody hurt? no, everyone was ok. a. does b. did c. is d. was( )14. is there_____ in today’s newspaper?a. something new b. interesting something c. anything important d. new anything( )15. there were_____ victims in the war. a. five thousands b. thousands of c. six thousand of d. two thousands ofkeys: 1-5ccdab 6-10bbdac 11-15 bcdcb
