

  unit 3 of module i celebration period two lesson
  一. 教学内容: unit 3 of module i celebration period two lesson 3 & 4[学习过程]一、本课教学目标与要求1. 掌握重点单词及词组的用法
  词 汇
  相 关 提 示ought aux. 应当,应该 attend vt 出席,参加 link vt .连接contribute vt .捐献,贡献as well 也 请记住 ought to的用法及与 should 的区别。 比较attend 与take part in, join in 的用法。 link 的一些习惯表达短语 contribute sth.to/towards sth. 请认真掌握 as well 和 as well as 的用法。2. 语法重点1)学习 have to /don’t have to ,can/can’t , ought to /ought not to 的用法。 2)giving advice (提建议) you ought (not) to … 你应该做…… / 你不应该做…… you (don’t) have to … 你不得不做…… / 你不必做…… 3)it is /was(generally)believed that… 据信,…… people believe (d) that….3. 文化意识培养和写作1)了解西方圣诞节的节庆活动、印尼及希腊的婚礼和他们的风俗及社交礼仪。2)用本单元所学的单词、短语、句型以及语法,写一封电子邮件,介绍中国的传统节日。 二、重难点词汇讲解:1. entrance n.入口巧记提示 ent(e)r(v.进入) + ance(名词词尾)excuse me,where is the entrance to the exhibition hall?对不起,请问展览大厅的入口处在哪里?1)注意介词搭配:at the entrance (of …)在(……的)入口处the entrance to ……的入口处,进入2)entrance还可用作定语,如:a university entrance examination 大学入学考试entrance fee 入场费用正确的介词填空1)we usually use the front entrance ______the building but there’s another entrance _____the back.2)the status of liberty was erected _____the entrance of new york harbour.2. attend vt.出席,参加they had a quiet wedding——and only a few friends attended it .他们的婚礼静悄悄的——只有几个朋友参加。1)派生词:attendance n.出席,参加;出席人数attention 是 attend 的另外一个意思"看管、关心"的名词形式。2)易混辨析:attend,take part in,join 和 join in attend 指出席或参加会议、聚会、讲座等,仅仅表示 go to ,自己并不起积极作用。take part in 指参加活动或在活动中负有责任;有时与join in可互换。join意思是become a member of,加入到某一组织、团体或人群中去,并成为其中的一员。join in通常指参加某种活动,尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动。选词填空i _____the meeting at which some young pioneers were accepted to ____the league,all of whom made up their minds to _____an active _____school activities and entered the coming round-the-city race.3. ought aux.应当,应该you ought to work harder than that. 你应当更努力地工作。1)ought 常与 to 结合构成情态动词,后面接动词原形;否定形式为 ought not to,缩略否定式是 oughtn’t to。2)ought 的基本用法有:(1)表义务,用于各种句式。一般说来,ought to 用于指将来,指现在则用进行时(ought to be doing sth.);也可用于完成时(ought to have done sth. ) ,在肯定句中表未完成的动作,在否定句中表已完成的动作。在间接引语中表过去形式不变。 (2)表推测,暗含很大的可能,语气比 must 弱。(3)ought to 往往和 should 同义,在生活交际中人们多用后者,但有时 ought to 有针对性,should 则表一般的忠告。活学活用用 should,ought to,have to 填空1)you _____ come at 4 o’clock if the plane arrives on time. 2)i didn’t go shopping this morning as i _____do the housework. 3)she _____come to see me yesterday, but she forgot.. 4)you _____ ask for permission before you left the table. 5)as they didn’t understand, i _____explain everything again.4. contribute vt .捐献,贡献he contributed some money to the flood victims.他捐出一些钱给遭受水灾的难民。1)派生词:contribution n. 贡献2)搭配:contribute sth.to/towards sth. 为……作贡献。例如:she contributed a lot of good ideas to the discussion.她在这次讨论中提出了很多好的意见。3)另外 contribute 还可作不及物动词,contribute to 是"有益于;捐献;促成……的因素"的意思,后面接动名词。contributes to several charities. 捐助一些慈善团体exercise contributes to better health.锻炼能促成更强健的体魄proper rest and enough sleep contribute to longevity. 适当的休息和足够的睡眠有益于长寿。填空1)he__________ (捐很多钱) the charity.2)exercise ___________ (能促成) better health.5. link vt.连接the two towns are linked by a railway. 这两个城镇由一条铁路连接起来。1)同义词:connect vt.连接2)搭配 link a with b,link a and b together 将人或物连接或联系起来。3)组:link up with sth.(= connect with sth.) 与……连接。("水域相连"通常用 link up with ,"车辆(道路、交通)"相连用 connect with。)翻译the new bridge will link the island to the mainland. 6. unfortunately adv.不幸地巧记提示 un-(否定前缀)+fortunate(adj.幸运的)+-ly(副词词尾) 不幸地。she missed the last train unfortunately. 她不幸错过了最后一班列车。1)同义词:unluckily 不幸地;反义词:fortunately 幸运地。2)unfortunately 一般修饰整个句子,常置于句首或句末。选择训练 two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea.______, neither of them could swim.a. in fact b. luckily c. unfortunately d. naturally7. even if 即使you mustn’t be conceited (自负)even if you’ve achieved a great success.即使你取得了很大的成绩也不应当骄傲。1)even if 是连词短语,引导让步状语从句,与 even though 同义。2)与if 相关的连词还有:as if 好像,only if 只要, if only 要是……就好了。选择allow children the space to voice their opinions,______they are different from your own.a. until b. even if c. unless d. as though 8. as well 也china possesses enormous quantities of coal and is rich in other minerals as well.中国拥有大量煤炭,其他的矿藏也很丰富。1)as well 是副词短语,其意为"也",相当于too,它一般放在句末,有时和连词 and 或 but 搭配使用。2)在英语中,表示不同位置的"也"也要用不同的词:as well 多用于口语,但只用在句末。too 多用于口语,位置常在句末,前面有逗号。also 较正式,位置通常接近动词,不用于句末。either 位置常在句末,且通常用于否定句。3)易混短语:as well asas well as 与 as well 仅一字之微,意义相近,故很易混淆。作为习语用作介词时,as well as 的含义是"还有","不但……而且……"。值得注意的是,在a as well as b 的结构里,语意的重点在a,不在b。因此,"he can speak spanish as well as english."的译文应是:"他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语",绝不能译作:"他不但会说西班牙语,而且会讲英语。"如果as well as 用作连词引出比较从句,其意为"和……一样好"。因此,"he speaks spanish as well as english."应译作:"他说西班牙语像说英语一样好。"活学活用:选词填空(as well as/as well)1)often life is much slower outside the big cities,as is true in other countries______.2)during the football match,he hurt his arm ______breaking his leg.三、重点句式分析与拓展1. if a friend gets an invitation to a wedding, you can go with him/her, even if you don’t receive an invitation yourself.如果你的朋友收到了参加婚礼的邀请,那么即使你自己并没有得到邀请,也可以和他/她一起去。1)这是一个主从复合句,包含两个状语从句。2)句首的状语从句由 if 引导,表示条件;第二个状语从句由even if 引导,表示让步。3)to a wedding 是介词短语,作 an invitation 的后置定语。 拓展①if表示"如果"时,用于引导条件状语从句。if还能表示"是否",引导名词性从句。②if还能与其他的词连用,构成从属连词。如even if"即使",only if "只有",if only"只要……就好了",as if "好像"。③even if 用来引导让步状语从句,通常可与even though 互换。引导让步状语从句的从属连词还有though,although等。2. after the ceremony, the guests can attend a wedding reception, which is usually a huge party and can last through the night. 婚礼之后,客人们可以参加婚宴。宴会通常规模盛大,可能持续整整一夜。1)这是一个主从复合句,从句是由which引导的非限制性定语从句。2)句中定语从句的先行词是a wedding reception。这个定语从句的谓语由两个部分组成,第一个谓语部分 is usually a huge party 是一个系表结构,第二个谓语部分包含一个表猜测的情态动词 can。 拓展①which 可以用来引导非限制性定语从句,此时不能用 that 替换 which。②有些情态动词可用于表示猜测。如 can、may、must 等。 3. there is a lot of eating, drinking and dancing, including the famous greek circle dance, where everyone joins in.婚宴上提供各种各样的食品、饮料、还有舞会,其中包括所有人都参加的著名的希腊圆圈舞曲。1)这个主从复合句的主句是一个 there be 句型,从句是由关系副词 where 引导的非限制性定语从句,它所修饰的是 the famous greek circle dance。2)including the famous greek circle dance 是一个后置定语,修饰 dancing ,这个定语可以看作是介词短语,也可以看作是一个现在分词短语。拓展 ①there be 句型中的 be 的形式遵循"就近一致"原则,即 be 的形式由紧跟在它后面的名词的数决定:如果名词是单数可数名词或不可数名词,be 也用单数;如果名词是可数名词的复数形式,be 也用复数。where 经常引导地点状语从句。②including 可以看作是动词 include 的现在分词形式,也可以看作介词。在大多数情况下,特别用逗号与前面的部分隔开时,通常被看作介词。4. we tried to stay awake as long as possible to see father christmas but the next thing we knew it was morning, christmas morning! 为了能看到圣诞老人我们尽可能醒着不睡觉,但是我们醒来时就是圣诞节的早晨了。1)这个长句的第一层是一个并列句,两个分句由表示转折的 but 连接。2)but 前的分句带有两个不定式短语:第一个不定式短语 to stay awake as long as possible 作 tried 的宾语,其中stay 是一个系动词,awake 是一个表语形容词;第二个不定式短语 to see father christmas 作目的状语,表示 to stay awake as long as possible 的目的。3)but 后的分句是一个复合句,从句是it was morning,它在句中作动词 knew 的宾语,从句的引导词 that 省略了。拓展:①不定式在句中除了作宾语、状语外,还能充当定语、表语、主语等成分。②as long as 在句中是"和……一样长"的意思,它还能作从属连词引导条件状语从句,此时是"只要"的意思。5. at the bottom of bed was the stocking, now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets.床尾挂着长筒袜,里面已装满各种各样的小礼物和糖果。1)这是一个把地点状语提前的倒装句,句子的主语是 stocking。2)(now) full of…sweets 是一个形容词短语,作主语的补语。拓展 在英语中,为了强调地点状语,为了上下文衔接的方便,或者是由于主语太长而考虑到句子的结构等,都可以把地点状语提前。注意分辨此类倒装句中的主语,并对谓语动词的单复数作出正确的判断。6. after lunch, the adults slept on the sofas in front of the queen’s speech on television while we all played card.午饭后,大人们在播送女王演讲的电视前面的沙发上睡着了,而我们都在玩牌。1)这是一个复合句,从句是由 while 引导的时间状语从句。2)本句中包含四个介词短语,句首的 after lunch 作时间状语;主句中的 on the sofas 作地点状语,in front of the queen’s speech 也作地点状语,on television 作后置定语(修饰 the queen’s speech)。 拓展 ①while 用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句时,译为"当……时候",从句中的动词都是延续性的,while 后常用进行时态;引导让步状语从句时,译为"尽管/虽然"。②while还能用作并列连词,连接并列句,此时译为"而",前后两个分句有对比的意思。7. it was believed that any village that did not give food would have bad luck.任何不愿给予食物的村庄都会遭到厄运。 1)句首的 "it"是形式主语,真正的主语是第一个that 引导的主语从句 any village…luck。2)第二个 that 引导的从句 that did not give food 是一个定语从句修饰 village。3)原句可以转换为:any village that did not give food was believed to have bad luck.people believed that any village that did not give food would have bad luck.拓展 "it is believed that…" 可以转换为:sb. /sth. is believed to do sth.,还可以转换为: we/people believe that…与 believe 用法相同的词还有:say,report,think,hope等.eg. on this day, the moon is said to be its biggest and brightest.【模拟试题】(答题时间:20分钟)一、词组专练和单词拼写1)last night the main e to the hall was crowed by the cheerful people.2)many ordinary working people c towards the city building.3)many t customs still exist in the remote countryside.4)there were 120 people attending the party, i some children.5)all the wedding i have been sent out by now.6)houses (装饰)brightly and beautifully at christmas.7)my father (以及) my little brother has gone to beijing for the holiday.8)the stadium which (在建)will be used as the place of opening ceremony of 12th national games. 9)you (不应该)throw away the old bike and buy a new one. 10)when they (结婚)michael was the best men. 二、综合阅读the invention of the electric telegraph (电报) gave birth to the communications industry. although samuel b. morse succeeded in making the invention useful in 1837, it was not until 1843 that the first important telegraph line was built up. by 1860 more than 50,000 miles of lines connected people east of the rockies (落基山脉). the following year, san francisco was added to (加入到)the network. the national telegraph network strengthened(加强)the ties between east and west and contributed to the rapid expansion(扩张)of the railroads by providing an efficient ways to monitor schedules and routes (计划和路线). furthermore, the extension of the telegraph, combined with the invention of the steam-driven rotary printing press (蒸汽驱动转轮印刷机) by richardm. hoe in 1846, completely changed the world of journalism(新闻业). where the business of news gathering had been dependent upon the mail and on hand-operated presses, the telegraph expanded the amount of information a newspaper could supply and allowed for more timely(及时的)reporting. the building of the associated press(美联社)as a central wire service in 1846 marked the arrival of a new era (纪元) in journalism. 1)the main topic of the passage is .a. the history of journalism b. the origin of the national telegraphc. how the telegraph network contributed to the expansion of railroadsd. the contributions and development of the telegraph network2)the word "gathering" in line 12 refers to .a. people  b. information c. objects d. substances3)the author’s main purpose in this passage is to .a. compare the invention of the telegraph with the invention of the steam-driven rotary pressb. propose new ways to develop the communications industryc. show how the electric telegraph affected the communications industryd. criticize samuel b. morse4)this passage would most likely be found in a .a. u.s. history book b. book on trains  c. science textbook   d. computer magazine5)it can be inferred from the passage that .a. samuel morse did not make an important contribution to the communications industryb. morse’s invention did not immediately achieve its full potential (潜力)c. the extension of the telegraph was more important than its inventiond. journalists have the associated press to thank for the birth of the communications industry
  【试题答案】 一、词组专练和单词拼写1)entrance 2)contributed  3)traditional  4)including 5)invitations 6)will be decorated / have been decorated 7)as well as / with / along with 8)is being built 9)ought not to 10)were married 二、综合阅读1)d 。 这是一道细节考查题。a. 新闻业的历史。 b. 国家电报网的来历。c.电报网是如何促进铁路网的扩张的。d. 国家电报网的贡献和发展。 2)b在这指的是新闻消息的采集情况。本题是细节推理题。a.人们;c. 事物,实验对象,宾语等意思。d. 物质。 3)c 根据上下文可知,本文的主要目的是告诉我们电报业对资讯/通讯业的影响。 4)a 。 5)b 。本题属于逻辑推理题。从这两句although samuel b. morse succeeded in making the invention useful in 1837, it was not until 1843 that the first important telegraph line was built up. the building of the associated press(美联社)as a central wire service in 1846 marked the arrival of a new era (纪元) in journalism.可以知道,莫尔的发明一开始并没有带来大规模的实践应用。但是到了1846年它为新闻业带来了一个新的纪元。
