

  中考英语复习学案(8b unit 4 a charity show)
  一、重点短语及句型: 1. 举行be held / take place 2. 首先 first of all / firstly3. 被选中去干be chosen to do/be……  choose to do sth 4. 勤加/多练习practice a lot 5. 少睡一点sleep less 6. 在白天during the day / in the daytime at night 在晚上7. 把…捐给…donate ……to …… 8. 分发give out9. 为…筹集…raise…… for…… 10. 返回return to = go/come back to 11. 主持……be the host of / host教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!" type="#_x0000_t75">12.计划/组织时间arrange/organize time 13. 在贫困地区in poor areas14帮助某人做事help (sb) do sth / with sth15. 业余时间free time. = spare time16. 需要(被)做…need to be done 17忙/从事 某事work on sth = be busy with sth 18把…介绍给….introduce……..to sb.19.记得去做某事remember to do sth (事还没有做) 记得做过某事remember doing(事已经做过)20.关心,照顾care about 教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!" type="#_x0000_t75">21. 重大的日子 the big day22. 被放置be placed / put / set 23. 一直做某事keep doing sth keep asking 不停的问24. 成功be a success = be successful25.制造噪音make a lot noise 26. 大声说话 speak loudly27. 结束be over / end 28. 及时in time 按时 on time29. 获得支持have / get a lot of support30. 当地的企业local business business , do business做生意, on business 出差31. 加入, 参加take part in…. = join in…..32. 被用来做…..be used to do sth / for doing sth 引导目的33. 搭建,建立set up 34. 休息 have a rest / break35.给某人打电话phone sb. / make phone calls to sb. / call sb. / ring sb. up 36.因…..感激某人thank sb. for sth. / doing 3 7. 兴奋地with excitement / excitedly38. 困难的工作hard work 工作努力 work hard39. 开始做start / begin doing / to do 40. 起初,开始in the beginning =at first41根本不,一点不not…….at all 没关系! 别客气!not at all !42.邀 请某人做…invite sb. to …… 被邀请做……. be invited to do43.通过…….挣钱make money by ….. 44. ……的目标the aim / go al / purpose of45. 至少at least 46. 在……两边 at both sides of ….47. 乐意做…….be glad / happy/sorry/excited/surprised to do 48. 付学费pay for education 49. 保持安静 keep silent / quiet50. 欢迎募捐donations are welcome1. because i’ve been chosen to be / as the host of a charity show. choose-----be chosen ---- have been chosen (被动语态用于现在完成时当中) 2. you can be a good host only if you sleep less during the day. (只要)3. we can advertise on the internet. 我们可以在网上做广告4. then the curtains rose. rise 升起 rise, vi.升起。通常指一些自然现象和价格等的上涨。 raise your hands! 举起手来! raise 举起5. why don’t we organize a charity show? = why not do…….? let’s do = what / how about organizing a charity show?6. at the end of the show , the audience clapped with excitement / excitedly.7. i am going to be the host of / host the charity show. 主持…… 8. i was helping with a charity show. project hope helps build schools.9. a lot of work needed to be finished , so i did not have much free time.  finish-----be finished ---- need to be finished (被动语态用于need to 当中)10. it was my job to introduce each star. = my job was to introduce each star.11. i had to remember to look at the right camera at the right time. 12. in the beginning/at first , i thought i would never be able to remember all the words and do everything right at the same time. 13. we should care more about the disabled. 14. speakers may be placed / put / set at the corners of the school hall.15. "will it be a success ? / will it be successful ? " i kept asking myself . "会成功吗? " 我不断地问自己16. " no time to be nervous any more." i told myself. "没有时间再紧张了" 我告诉自己 = " i don’t have any time to be nervous any more." i told myself.17. everything seemed to happen so fast , and now it is all over. = it seemed that everything happened so fast, and it is all over. seem好象、通常 ①seem + adj ②seem +to do sth ③it seem + that从句18. i hope more events like this will be organized to raise money for charities. organize-----be organized ---- will be organized /is going to be organized (被动语态用于一般将来时当中)19. he (also) met many pop stars (as well) (too). he didn’t eat lunch (either). (也)20. the curtains should be hung across the stage. 我们应当沿着舞台把帷幕悬挂起来 悬挂,吊 hang—hung--- hung 上吊 hang—hanged--- hanged 21. their parents have no money , so their children has to go to work instead (of going to school)二、语法点:将来时的被动语态:will be done be going to be done 情态动词的被动语态: can / could be done , must be done , should be done , may be done 牛刀小试 中考连接1. my brother ____________(be)to england twice.2. he came here two days ago . (同意句) he ___________________ two days .3. the train has already arrived. ( 改一般疑问句 ) ________ the train _______ _______ ?4. tom__________(teach) english in a middle school for ten years. he ______( begin ) to teach here in 1994.5. i was so excited that i couldn’t sleep at all. (同意句) i was ________ excited ________ sleep.
  初三英语组复习资料(8b unit4配套练习)一 用所给词的适当形式填空 a. 根据句意和所给中文写出句中所缺的单词。 1. may i ________________ (介绍) my best friend amy to you, sandy? 2. i think it’s our__________(职责) to protect the environment. 3. the cinema has two ________(出口). 4. all the students were c_________ their hands when they saw their teacher came in.5. it’s very p____________ to read in the garden, listening to the music.6. the students are organizing a c__________ show to raise money .7. spring bud project helps poor young girls r__________ to school.b. 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1. i don’t know what made him laugh so_______________ (excite)? 2. they wish they___________________ (can live) under the sea.3. the girl often give out leaflets ____________ (ask) people to donate money.4. most international ___________ (busy) letters are written in english. 5. "we are proud of your__________ (successful), daniel." said father. 6. my hobby is ___________ (listen) to music . 7. lily __________ ( help ) me ________ ( do ) my homework at 7 p.m. yesterday . 8. the ___________ have acted a wonderful ____________ . ( perform ) . 9. your shoes are so dirty that they need _____________ ( brush ) . 10. i thought i ______________ (be) able to pass the exam , but i failed finally . 11. we are excited ____________ (win) the football game . 12. things _____________ ( change ) a lot over the years.二 单项选择 ( ) 1. i think_________ important to learn english well. a. this b. that c. it d. you are ( ) 2. i hope my father__________ ask me about my marks. a. not b. not to c. won’t d. don’t ( ) 3. i ____________ that i were a bird. a. wish b. hope c. want d. expect ( ) 4. it’s your job________ the pop stars. a. introduce b. introducing c. introduces d. to introduce ( ) 5. they’d like ____ thank the following people _____ their help and support. a. to; to b. for; for c. to; for d. for; to ( ) 6. —have you finished the work? —not yet, but no matter how hard it is, we"ll keep ________ until we make it. a. failed  b. trying  c. tried d. failing( ) 7. project hope is an organization _______ raises money to build schools and buy books for poor children. a. that b. who c. what d. where ( ) 8. i’ll tell him about it as soon as he _______ here.  a. comes b. will come c. is coming d. is going to come.( ) 9. the blacks _______ a the table when i went in. a. is sitting b. were sitting c. was sitting d. sat( ) 10. it was _______ to spend the whole day in sanrio pwroland.a. real fun b. really fun c. a real fun d. a really fun( ) 11. i __________ you a happy holiday.a. hope b. wish c. want d. like( ) 12. the hospital has been open____.a . for ten years before b. since ten years ago c. since ten years d. ten years ag o( ) 13. the old man was not ______ to climb up the hill.a. healthy b. enough healthy c. health enough d. healthy enough( ) 14. --- ______ you _______ the book ______ to the library yet. ---yes. i have.a. have , returned,/ b. have , returned , back c. did , return ,/ d. did , return , back( ) 15. if you want to be heal their, you must eat ______ and take _______ exercise. a. less, less b. more, more c. less, more d. more, less( ) 16. aunt li _________ her home town for a long time.a. has left b. left c. has gone to d. has been away from三 按要求变换句型1. i wish to fly. (改为复合句) i wish that i ________ _______ . 2. i hope that i will be back soon.(改为简单句) i hope _______ _______ back soon. 3 . we will choose lily to be the host . (同意句) lily ______________________________ the host by us . 4. they watched tv at home. they didn’t see a film. (同意句) they watched tv at home_______ ______ _____ a film. 5. the show ended five minutes ago. (同意句) the show________ ________ _________ _________ five minutes. 6. every thing seemed to be all right. (同意句) _______ _______ that every thing __________ all right.7. it was my job to introduce each star. (同意句)  my job ________ _________ _____________ each star. 四 根据中文完成下列句子。1. 如果你能少睡多运动,你就会更健康。if you _______ _______ and _________ ________ __________ , you’ll be ____________.2. 舞台已经搭好了。 the stage has been_______ _________. 3. 我代替她去 的。 i went _________ ______ _______. 4. 上周歌手们为海啸义演筹款。 the singers had a ________ ________ to __________ ___________ _____ the tsunami. 5. 我们选举daniel为主持人。we _______ daniel _____ _____ the _____. 6. "会成功吗? "我不停的问自己。 " _______ it be ______ ________?" i ______ _________myself. 7. 每个人都很慷慨,我们得到地方商业部门的大力支持。 everyone______ ________ and we had a lot of ________ _______ __________ ______________.
