

  detective stories教案
  二、教学内容:9a unit 6 detective stories
  三、课型: integrated skills
  1. 知识目标
  1) 四会单词:record, prison
  2) 词组:have no criminal record, be in prison, be involved in
  3) 句型:he seems to be a nice man.
  1. 重点
  2. 难点
  step 1 lead-in
  show the students the picture (on the left) and say "look at the man. his name is guan dawei. he is a rich man. he has lots of money. he is a millionaire. " invite the students to read the new words.
  tell the students something terrible has occurred and at the same time, show the students another picture. make an brief introduction to the boy like this:
  "look at this picture. this is guan fei, guan dawei’s son." and then ask the students "what is a happening?" as the students to the answer: a kidnapping, say "the kidnapping occurred! it happened. and guan fei was kidnapped."
  get the students to think about how guan dawei and guan fei felt by asking them the following questions:
  do you think guan fei was scared? (yes.)
  how did his father feel? (he felt worried)
  ask the students what guan dawei should do then. (call the police.)
  say "yes, he called the police and detective lu came quickly. he has found two suspects. " show the students the following pictures and introduce some more new words that they may meet in the listening part.
  step 2 read and search for information.
  invite the students to read detective lu’s notes in part a1, page 110 quickly and fill in the blanks with as much information as possible.
  check the information that they can find through reading.
  step 3 listen and complete the profiles
  tell the students that the information is not enough to solve the case. ask them the following questions:
  do you think detective lu should talk to them?
  what kind of questions will he ask?
  (before listening, it is important to get the students ready for the task.)
  play the tape and students complete the profiles while listening.
  check the answers.
  step 4 completing the report
  tell the students that detective lu’s assistant is writing a report on the kidnapping case. however, he didn’t hear everything clearly. invite the students to complete the report for him.
  check the answers.
  step 5 discussion
  pide the students into groups of four to have a discussion on the following questions;
  1 who do you think is guilty? why?
  2 how much money will he/she ask for? and why?
  invite the reporters from several groups to speak out their opinions.
  step 6 speak up
  tell the students detective lu and policeman li are also talking about the suspects.
  invite the students to listen to their dialogue and then answer the following questions.
  does policeman li think wang gang was involved in the case? why?
  get the students to read the dialogue together and then answer the following question:
  why doesn’t policeman li think wang gang is guilty?
  (remind the students there may be several reasons and encourage them to find them all.)
  wang gang seems to be a nice man.
  he was at his sisters wedding at the time of the crime.
  he doesn’t have a criminal record.
  ask the students to open the books and read the dialogue in roles.
  ask them to work in pairs and take turns to read different roles. (they may need this dialogue in making up their own dialogues.)
  step 7 making up a new dialogue
  encourage the students to make up their own dialogues. make it clearly that their can talk about either of the suspects or both of the suspects.
  invite several pairs to act out their dialogues.
  step 8 homework
  a. read the passage on page 111.
  make sure you can read it correctly and fluently.
  b. write down what you think about the two suspects.
  are they guilty? why or why not?
