

  unit 10 it’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.
  unit 10 it’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.
  1. have a healthy lifestyle
  2. talk over
  3. make one’s own decision
  4. chat on the internet
  5. in order to
  6. stay out late
  7. agree to do
  8. right now
  9. with the help of
  10. on the other hand
  11. pay attention to
  12. in class
  13. be happy to do sth.
  14. get enough sleep
  15. hang out
  16. a little too much
  17. would rather do than do
  18. organize one’s own life
  19. the +比较级,the +比较级
  20. give up
  21. guide to
  22. too much much too
  23. have a good attitude
  24. do one’s best= try one’s best
  25. as often as you can
  26. meet up with strangers
  27. take troubles less seriously
  28. make a good study plan
  29. agree on sth.
  agree to sth.
  agree with
  agree to do
  30. have effect on
  31. have problem with
  32. have trouble doing sth.
  33. a large amount of
  34. stay up
  35. get through
  36. help out
  1. it’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.
  it’s +adj. (for sb.) to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事很……
  2. exercising helps teenagers to stay healthy.
  3. in order to be healthy, teenagers need to get enough sleep.
  4. she is too young to make her own decision.
  too… to 太……而不能……(否定句式)
  5. i guess so.
  e. g. 1) it’s all your doing. i told you so from the first.
  2) i know they enjoyed every minute of it. don’t you think so?
  3) — are you going to play football tomorrow?
  — i hope so.
  6. not getting enough sleep has serious effects on our brain’s ability to work.
  e.g.: not reading in bed is a good habit.
  1. 不定式(短语)
  (1)基本形式:to +动词原形
  (2) 句法作用:
  作主语to act like that is foolish.
  it’s not an easy thing to master a language. (it 是形式主语)
  it will be a mistake for us not to help them. (for 表明不定式的动作是谁做的)
  it’s kind of you to think so much of us. (kind, good, nice, wise, clever, wrong, right, foolish, rude, impolite等形容词后,用of 短语表明不定式指的是谁。)
  作宾语she wants to buy a new dictionary.
  they decided to help the poor boy.
  作表语our aim is to serve the people well.
  his wish is to be a teacher.
  作宾语补足语the teacher told us to do exercise 3.
  she asked me to be quiet.
  作定语she is looking for a room to live in.
  i have something important to say.
  作状语he went to see his grandparents yesterday.
  i must work hard to catch up with my classmates.
  (3)不定式的否定形式:not +动词不定式
  tell him not to play with fire.
  i don’t know when to start.
  she showed us how to use the machine.
  感官动词类:see, hear, watch, feel, notice 等
  they heard him sing a pop song in the meeting room.
  使役动词类:make, let, have 等
  the naughty boy often makes the family laugh.
  (6)动词help 后的不定式可带to, 也可不带to
  2. 祈使句
  stop talking.
  take care of your handwriting.
  don’t be late again.
  don’t play with fire.
  (3)对第三人称的祈使,用"let + 第一或第三人称代词的宾格(或名词)+动词原形"
  let’s try again.
  let me see.
  否定句: 句首加don’t 或在动词原形前加not
  don’t let them run away.
  let’s not talk about this matter any more.
  1. — the dish is delicious!
  — well, at least it’s ______ the one i cooked yesterday. [XX 杭州]
  a. as good asb. worse thanc. as well asd. as bad as
  2. — mary was heard ______ just now. what happened?
  — john was telling a joke. [XX 南通]
  a. to cry b. cry c. laugh d. to laugh
  3. — what’s your plan for the summer holidays?
  — i’ve no idea, but i’ve decided _____ at home and have a good rest first. [XX 重庆]
  a. stay b. to stay c. stayed d. staying
  4. — you aren’t a stranger, are you?
  — ________, don’t you remember _____ me at the school gate ten minutes ago? [XX 山东]
  a. yes, to see b. no, seeing c. no, saw d. yes, seeing
  5. — mr. wang, i have trouble ______ the text.
  — remember ______ it three times at least. [XX威海]
  a. to understand, reading b. understand, reading
  c. understanding, to read d. to understand, to read
  6. —do you often see william _____ on the playground?
  — no, but he is often seen ______ chinese kongfu in the park. [XX潍坊]
  a. run, play b. run, to play c. running, play d. running, to play
  7. little jim is only five years old. he can’t make model planes by himself. (合并为一句)
  little jim is ________ young ______ make model planes by himself. [XX 重庆]
  1. the girl eats ______ junk food and she is ______ fat.
  a. too many, many too b. too much, much too
  c. too many, much too d. too much, too much
  2. she doesn’t eat junk food any more. she has ______.
  a. give up it b. give it up c. given up it d. given it up
  3. will you please ______ me _____ this evening, may?
  a. to help; to wash clothes b. to help, cooking supper
  c. help, with the cooking d. help, doing some washing
  4. could you show me ______ a bike?
  a. how to mend b. what to buy c. where to go d. how many to buy
  5. i _______ a letter from him since he left.
  a. didn’t receive b. haven’t got c. didn’t have d. haven’t heard
  6. if you don’t have a chance _______ in daytime, you should sleep longer at night.
  a. sleep b. to sleep c. sleeping d. sleeps
  7. which do you like ______, bananas, pears ________ apples?
  a. better, and b. best, and c. better, or d. best, or
  8. don’t make her _____ all the time. tell her _____ a rest.
  a. study, have b. to study, to have c. study, to have d. to study, have
  9. mum often asks us ______ games too much because it’s a waste of time.
  a. to play b. not to play c. playing d. not playing
  10. it’s bad ______ when you do some shopping.
  a. to be polite b. to stand in line
  c. to wait for your turn d. to jump the queue
  11. is there ______ in today’s newspaper?
  a. important anything b. important something
  c. something important d. anything important
  12. li lei likes english very much, and she does her best _______ english well.
  a. to learn b. learn c. learning d. of learning
  13. — listen, the wind is blowing strongly.
  — yes, tell tom _____ the window.
  a. not to open b. to open c. open d. not open
  14. i think this room is _______ 100 people.
  a. so big that can hold b. very big to holding
  c. enough big for holding d. big enough to hold
  1. mr. black told his students not to c________ on the internet.
  2. if you want to learn english well, you must pay a______ in class.
  3. he often h_____ out with friends at weekends, so he can’t finish his homework on time.
  4. the two friends s________ everything— they had no secrets.
  5. it’s important for everyone to get the right _____________(数量) of sleep.
  6. almost everyone has some musical ____________(能力).
  7. the scientists spent a long time studying the ________________ (行为)of the monkeys.
  1. to exercise is very important. (变为同义句)
  _______ _______ very important _______ ___________.
  2. i don’t know how i can study math well. (变为同义句)
  i don’t know how ________ _______ math well.
  3. li hua decided to move to beijing when she was thirty. (变为同义句)
  li hua made a ________ _______ move to beijing ______ the age of thirty.
  4. jim is the tallest boy in his class. (变为同义句)
  jim is _______ ______ ______ _____ ______ in his class.
  5. "don’t talk in class", my teacher said. (变为同义句)
  my teacher told me ______ ______ ______ in class.
  1. 现在你比以前吃得更健康吗?
  do you eat _______ _______ now than before?
  2. 老师告诉我们不要抄袭别人的作业。
  the teacher told us _______ ______ ____ the homework of others.
  3. 我认为莉莉不如露西学习认真。
  i don’t think lily studies _________ _______ _______ lucy.
  4. 你说的越多,我们越不明白。
  _______ _______ you spoke, _______ _________ we understood.
  5. 请尽快完成你的作文。
  please finish your composition _______ _______ ______ _______.
  1. don’t forget ______________(turn ) off the lights after school.
  2. she would rather ________(learn) french than japanese.
  3. the old man is too old __________________(walk).
  4. not ______________(get) enough sleep has serious effects on our brain’s ability to work.
  5. if you have trouble ________(solve) the problem, please let me know.
  6. his father didn’t allow him _____________(watch) tv on weekends.
