快好知 kuaihz

荷东的士高歌词 荷东的士高歌词介绍


I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

Sometimes I lay down and close my eyes

Thinkin about you and me

I often feel we cant go on

We fell out of harmony

There is too much

To be changed I know

But I dont want

You to go

I love you and I find the way

Cause you have to stay

Take me back in your arms again

You feel its no game

Nobody else could ever take your place

Cause youre a lover youre a friend

And you mean more than the world to me

All weve been through cant you see

I love you and I find the way

Cause you have to stay

Take me back in your arms again

You feel its no game

I love you and I find the way

Cause you have to stay

Take me back in your arms again

You feel its no game

I love you and I find the way

Cause you have to stay

Take me back in your arms again

You feel its no game

I find it hard to sleep tonite

Jealousy is runnig bright

There is too much

To be changed I know

But I dont want

You to go

I love you and I find the way

Cause you have to stay

Take me back in your arms again

You feel its no game

Nobody else could ever take your place

Cause youre a lover youre a friend

And you mean more than the world to me

All weve been through cant you see

I love you and I find the way

Cause you have to stay

Take me back in your arms again

You feel its no game

Nobody else could ever take your place

Cause youre a lover youre a friend

And you mean more than the world to me

All weve been through cant you see

I love you and I find the way

Cause you have to stay

Take me back in your arms again

You feel its no game

Nobody else could ever take your place

Cause youre a lover youre a friend

And you mean more than the world to me

All weve been through cant you see



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 叶问是谁演的 叶问的扮演者

1、叶问是甄子丹演的,他还演过《龙虎门》、《导火线》。2、甄子丹(Donnie Yen),1963年7月27日出生于广东省广州市,中国香港影视男演员、导演、港片...(展开)


 时间定格歌词 歌曲时间定格歌词

1、歌词生命 是一场旅行跌宕又悲喜,数不清的际遇此行 最美的风景是你的足迹 温柔细腻谢谢你 携星河万里 闯入我心底任凭世界光怪陆离愿未来可期,岁月不负你想和你一...(展开)