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P.S. 稍微说说人力资本(H)与知识(A)的关系:A 决定了 H 的上限,换句话说,学习会受限于人类已知知识的边界。而知识总量没有上限,已知知识边界会不断被突破,所以技术驱动的增长不会有边际效益递减现象。

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主创/ 肖璟(微博@狐狸君raphael),一个很帅的投资客,写过本互联网金融畅销书,曾供职于麦肯锡金融机构组,也在 Google 和 VC 打过杂。


[1] Paul Romer - Biography. http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~promer/biography.shtml

[2] Roy Romer - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Romer

[3] 三农学术. (2018). 诺奖得主Paul Romer的“大嘴巴”与国际组织的“数字政治”. 三农学术.

[4] 果壳网. (2018). 2018诺贝尔经济学奖:市场有两件事做不好,他们指了一条出路 | 直击诺奖. 果壳网.

[5] The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. (2018). Integrating nature and knowledge into economics. https://www.nobelprize.org/uploads/2018/10/popular-economicsciencesprize2018.pdf

[6] Brian Snowdon, Howard R. Vane. (1999). Conversations with Leading Economists: Interpreting Modern Macroeconomics. Edward Elgar.

[7] Paul Romer. (1993). Two Strategies for Economic Development: Using Ideas and Producing Ideas. in Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference of Development Economics 1992, Washington, DC: World Bank.

[8] Paul Romer. (1994). The Origins of Endogenous Growth. The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 8 (1).

[9] Paul Romer. (1986). Increasing Returns and Long-run Growth. The Journal of Political Economy. 94 (5).

[10] 沈沁, 谢丹阳. (2016). 全球经济增长的可持续性: 不容置疑. 金融研究. 2016 (2).

[11] 谢丹阳. (2016). 世界银行首席经济学家Paul Romer教授简介. 谢丹阳教授的新浪博客.

[12] Paul Romer. (1990). Endogenous Technological Change. Journal of Political Economy. 98 (5).

[13] N. Gregory Mankiw, Paul Romer, David Weil. (1992). A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 107 (2).

[14] Paul Romer. (1987). Growth Based on Increasing Returns Due to Specialization. American Economic Review. 77 (2).

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