category造句61. Products in this category can be rapidly restored to a remarkably fresh appearance by the addition of water.
62. That, however, is not possible, for too much convincing evidence opposes the suggestion that there was any such category.
63. Some of the deepest cuts are in the catch-all category called domestic discretionary spending.
64. The clinic records, from an inner city teaching hospital we examined indicate that some believe sildenafil may belong in this category.
65. You can now drag and drop any folder, or shortcut within a folder, and place them within your new category.
66. When this point is reached, the patient is classified into a different category, for which therapy is clearly indicated.
67. Should they not be investigated as a special category of people affected?
68. Family stories, such as the ones about my Aunt Naomi belong to a special category.
69. Included in a separate category are those allowed entry because they proved they have unique employment skills.
70. Plants in the same general category produce different configurations of wastes, since they operate in the slightly different ways.
71. The current diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa reflect this evolutionary process but they have yet to achieve the final category.
72. Everywhere save Britain the constitution is defined as a special category of law.
73. Teams, with three or 10 members depending on their category, conjured up their entries on 30-foot by 30-foot plots.
74. Allen also expressed concern about the empirical base for the category.
75. The third category was eventually broken up and distributed into the yes/no compartments through consultation with those involved and colleagues.
76. Cash prices will be awarded to three winners in the general category and one in the poetry section.
77. Certain chronic or terminal ailments may fit into this category, as may negative aspects of membership of a minority group.
77.try its best to gather and build good sentences.
78. The new category of genetically modified organisms has been subject to far less testing than one should reasonably expect.
79. The parking situation carried the day in the best-of category.
80. Insectivore molars from category 5 predator assemblages are even more dramatically digested.
81. She also remarked at the outset that her personal belief was that the category had no place in a psychiatric manual.
82. If you fall into this category and have a low income, you may be entitled to Poll Tax Benefit.
83. In this crossover category are thigh-length parkas that offer more protection on wind-whipped city streets than the old bomber jackets.
84. For ears treated surgically there was no significant advantage of adenoidectomy alone over the baseline category of tube insertion alone.
85. I can think of kids that are now working on a level of brilliance who fall into that category.
86. He also suggested a method to distinguish to which category any given behaviour pattern belonged; this was the isolation experiment.
87. A merger is essentially a particular category of takeover; no special distinction is drawn in this book between mergers and takeovers.
88. This category was clearly intended to introduce and promote study opportunities in liberal adult education.
89. Although a total prohibition exists for the third category above, special circumstances may exist for the first two services.
90. It can not be boxed into some neatly defined category as economics or sociology or politics or history.