regulation造句91. In isolating such groups for surveillance and regulation, the profession was drawing on changes within medical discourse.
92. The latter is in some cases subject to statutory regulation, in others it is a matter of local discretion.
93. Another would be a regulation that requires banks to enforce a 30-day waiting period for withdrawals of pass-book deposits.
94. The determination to use private enterprises as key actors was later complemented by stronger regulation.
95. Regulation ought to involve precise definition and separation of wastes into hazardous and non-hazardous, or different levels of hazard.
96. The regulation of these factors is widely considered to be the way in which the small intestine adapts to nutritional demands.
97. In regulated industries such as trucking and airlines, workers collected some of the rents that accrued from regulation.
98. In their absence, Nordlinger implies that conflict regulation will not occur and Lijphart's centrifugal democracy will degenerate into civil war.
99. Utility companies, under government regulation, might do a better job of keeping the air clean.
100. It was a defeat which was to have profound and far-reaching consequences for state medical regulation of sexuality.
101. But does regulation continue throughout development, or is it just a property of the early embryo?
102. Alternatively, indirect effects involving the regulation of epithelial cell function by mesenchyme are also possible.
103. Article 4 of the Regulation provides a list of permitted restrictions in such agreements.
104. Fox and hockey officials refused to put a price tag on a regulation puck stuffed with computer chips.
105. Despite the moves outlined above, the need for regulation in the electricity industry remains of crucial importance.
106. Another possibility is that the genetic regulation of the isotype response is different in the two populations of inflammatory bowel disease patients.
107. State regulation protective of fetal life after viability thus has both logical and biological justifications.
108. Investors have complained about a lack of regulation over the Czech capital markets and poor disclosure rules for company information.
109. They both participate in the regulation of the concentration of serum calcium.
110. Regulation has been introduced to prevent the logic of competition from destroying the system.
111. Finally, local government is responsible for some types of regulation, for example land use or zoning laws.
112. Roosevelt saw first-hand the hideous results of free enterprise untouched by government regulation.
113. It could be described as the Fordist method of international political regulation.
114. The endowment fund for such masses was enormous and in the thirteenth century some system of regulation was required.
115. Different areas of legislation and regulation affect the likelihood of success for complainants in judicial review.
116. That is why environmentalists have often clamoured for regulation, as the best way to conceal the true costs of policy.
117. Britain won an important concession-a 15-year transition period during which the regulation would not apply.
118. The regulation of financial affairs involves inpart legislative action, inpart executive action.
119. Ellice Hopkins was a central figure in the feminist agitation for criminal law regulation in the 1880s.
120. Now our elected representatives are learning firsthand how petty and obnoxious federal regulation can be.