快好知 kuaihz

121. Mom hated the movie, but Dad thought it was good. 122. I was surprised that Mom seemed to approve of Tracy's new boyfriend. 123. One summer night we sat outside under the gnarled 100-year-old trees and talked while his mom finished fixing dinner. 124. In town one evening we called his mom from a pay phone. 125. You can see the mom smile and the baby smile and best of all, they both go to sleep. 126. Mom, I hate this tie. Can I take it off? 127. How dare they give Cody the notion that his mom is no saint? 128. Mom prefers to rent movies and watch them at home. 129. Or maybe the kids will have to work with it first and then show Mom and Dad. 131. My mom was real careful not to makes ethnic jokes or snide ethnic remarks. 132. But in the real world, you couldn’t really just split a family down the middle, mom on one side, dad the other, with the child equally divided between. It was like when you ripped a piece of paper into two: no matter how you tried, the seams never fit exactly right again. It was what you couldn't see, those tiniest of pieces, that were lost in the severing, and their absence kept everything from being complete.Sarah Dessen 133. The autopsy would eventually show that Mom had taken three different prescription drugs. 134. This girl is not a bit like Mom, or Pa, or you. 135. My dad had told my mom not to tell me because I might be sad. 136. Mom won't let me watch television till all my homework's done. 137. Mom gave us kids a lot of tender loving care. 138. Dear mom, I never understood how you could love me so much no matter what I did. 139. Don't talk about Sheryl around Mom - it's sure to upset her. 140. Mom tolerated Dad's smoking. 141. I'm going to get the picture framed and give it to Mom for her birthday. 142. Mom stands upright, her skis over her shoulder, a pair of climbing skins wrapped jauntily about her waist. 143. She always did her work and almost never requested or accepted help from Mom or Dad. 144. No matter how good mom is at making everything better, both of you should be sources of comfort. 145. Mom promised us ice-cream if we were good at the store. 146. At any rate, Mom decides her greatest desire is for the genie to open and close the garage door for her. 147. His mom hopes he'll settle down and start a family. 148. As mom inhales, Tamika sleeps, her pink and white sundress absorbing the fluids of unknown grown-ups. 149. He may respond with a shy smile when mom or dad blows bubbles on his stomach. 150. "Coming, Mom," I called.