快好知 kuaihz

241) Moving briskly, Wade dug out a plastic garbage bag, marched into the living room, and collected the dead houseplants. 242) Shreds of plastic, old iron, glass, animal bones littered both sides of the path. 243) The murder weapon, a Kalashnikov free of fingerprints, was left at the scene in a plastic bag. 244) A skinny blond in a blue-and-white-striped bikini sprayed himself with water from a plastic plant-mister. 245) I use five clear plastic frames to rotate my sons' latest artwork. 246) I turned on the spigot at the side of the house and filled up his plastic basin. 247) Buy products made with recycled paper or plastic,such as bin liners, toilet tissue or kitchen paper. 248) Marge was going through her black plastic carry bag, checking the contents. 249) Sunbathers might find plastic bags of soggy bread and soiled clothes, but uninvited entry into the first world was generally discreet. 250) It has an irritatingly small backspace key and I think it has a horrible plastic feel, but this is purely subjective. 251) A main body with a small monitor sitting above the main workings of the machine, all encased in plastic. 252) He held a plastic carrier bag open by the handles. 253) V., a plastic bag of some clear solution held aloft by one of the paramedics. 254) Florence re-emerged holding a plastic raincoat over herself and the baby, and got into the back seat. 255) After lunch they all trooped back down to the beach with plastic bags and jars for specimens, and Carolyn lagged behind.