快好知 kuaihz

211. She regarded the damage done to the painting as sacrilege. 212. The next morning we surveyed the damage caused by the fire. 213. Failure now could fatally damage his chances in the future. 214. Walkers can unwittingly damage the fragile environment in which the birds live. 215. Smoking by expectant mothers may increase the chances of brain damage in their babies. 216. Local people were stoical about the damage caused by the hurricane. 217. Changing the course of the river would cause serious environmental damage to the whole valley. 218. Blameworthy or not, his father should pay some of the costs of repairing the damage. 219. Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant. 220. They asked him to pay for the damage but he pleaded poverty. 221. Many boys tend to bend the corners of book pages over and, as a result, damage their books fast. 222. Reversibility depends on the severity of the damage to the brain. 223. The govern-ment said it will help meet some of the cost of the damage. 224. According to the assessor's statement[.com], the fire damage was not severe. 225. All parts of the aircraft are closely scrutinised for signs of wear or damage.