快好知 kuaihz

211) Certain exparte applications are required to be made by affidavit, in which case the affidavit itself suffices as the application. 212) Students must contact the community college's financial aid office for an application. 213) It comes with three support options: for application developers, end-users and system administrators. 214) I received an acknowledgement from Toshiba yesterday telling me that they were considering my application for the job. 215) I must also emphasise that the answer I give to the question before me will be of general application. 215) Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 216) Let's suppose you have an important letter to write - perhaps an application for a job. 217) In the event of a share issue a bank may handle the advertisement, application and allotment of shares. 218) Application Make a list of musical instruments that use a box to amplify their sound. 219) Even where an application does arouse some opposition, issues of public amenity rarely arise. 220) Philosophy cannot be taught; it is the application of the sciences to truth.Alexandre Dumas 221) An application for assessment of damages is made on notice under the procedure for interlocutory applications under Ord 22, r 6. 222) Developers are strongly advised to discuss their proposals with the Minerals Officer first before making any formal application. 223) They suggested that a public access catalogue would be a suitably demanding trial application. 224) We also need to develop bridges between academic research and its application. 225) Antibacterial treatments can take the form of baths, external application to affected areas, injection and oral administration via the food. 226) In 1988 the foster parents gave notice of their application to adopt the child. 227) The work, if confirmed, could eventually lead to clinical application in the treatment of aplastic anaemia and malignancy. 228) The local authority's decision to agree to his application was an admission that they had been wrong all the time. 229) Stay of Calder's suspension pending an application to the Court of Appeal. 230) The board took four off-sale licences in the locality into account when considering an application for a public house licence. 231) Because of its application to both speech and writing it has helped to obscure the difference between the two. 232) The licence application must be signed by the applicant or his agent. 233) Your completed passport application should be accompanied by two recent photographs. 234) Because your application to become Pope has been turned down yet again. 235) An application for the allowance should be made on the mortgage allowance claim form. 236) To be sure, dressing up the college admissions application often motivates the teen charity work, but so what? 237) A variety of other agents have shown specific, useful activities, with a fairly limited range of application. 238) On 26 February 1992 Hobhouse J. adjourned the application and invited the Attorney-General to appoint an amicus curiae. 239) The potential application of this technology to monitoring environmental changes that could affect the emergence of infectious diseases will be assessed. 240) The following chapters expand on the practical application of reducing the ambiguity produced from a pattern recogniser.