快好知 kuaihz

31. Just being in the studio gave her a sense of importance . 32. In January, 37 years after our first meeting, I was back in the studio with Denis. 33. The studio manager will cue you when it's your turn to come on. 34. He works as a sound technician in a recording studio. 35. The film studio grudgingly agreed to allow him to continue working. 36. When costs soared, the studio took fright and recalled the company from Rome. 37. I cut it out and pinned it to my studio wall. 38. At that time "The Modern Times" directed by Chaplin was being remade in their film studio. 39. Later in this bulletin we will be going over to our Westminster studio for an update on the situation. 40. The studio chiefs wanted a marquee name in the lead role, not some unknown. 41. The general impression at the studio was that he was able. 42. The studio isn't soundproof. 43. Movie stars used to be slaves to the studio system. 44. The band gave an impromptu concert on the roof of the studio. 45. The studio manager will cue you in when it's your turn to sing. 46. Benson kept the studio locked except when he was working there. 47. He moved from one friend's flat to another, first kipping on the floor of Theodore's studio. 48. The studio had all the essentials like heating and running water. 49. Andy shuts himself away in his studio for hours on end when he's recording a song. 50. The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses. 51. He somehow persuaded the studio to let him make the film. 52. Exterior to the main house there is a small building that could be used as an office or studio. 53. Carl began in the music business by running a recording studio. 54. They walked to the studio together in a companionable silence. 55. His last two movies have been complete flops and now no studio will touch him. 56. The studio planned to make a movie of the book but the deal fell through. 57. I had the rare honour of being allowed into the artist's studio. 58. The article gives a vivid picture of the way artists at the studio collaborated. 59. The film studio nixed her plans to make a sequel. 60. They wanted to make it into a film, but another studio beat them to the punch .