快好知 kuaihz

61. I thought it appropriate to invite her to speak at the meeting. 62. Put a tick in the appropriate box if you would like further information about any of our products. 63. You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time. 64. The EU has issued guidelines on appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual workers. 65. It seemed somehow appropriate that we should begin our journey here. 66. Where appropriate , I delegate as much work as possible. 67. Appropriate safeguards would have to be built into the procedures to avoid abuses. 68. Some jokes are just not appropriate to tell in mixed company . 69. Our boat would not have been appropriate for ocean voyaging. 70. His formal style of speaking was appropriate to the occasion. 71. the beauties of the nature. It is often better to use another appropriate word, for example the countryside, the scenery or wildlife:We stopped to admire the scenery. 72. Appropriate period music can be played on visits to a historic building. 73. I thought his remark was highly appropriate, given the circumstances. 74. No one is allowed to appropriate state property to himself. 75. They were asked to behave with the gravity that was appropriate in a court of law. 76. The appropriate concentration of the drug is best determined by experiment. 77. You should not appropriate other people's belongings to yourself without their permission. 78. Appropriate arrangements will be made for their work and livelihood. 79. An open verdict was the only appropriate one , given the very unclear evidence at the inquest. 80. What would be an appropriate course in such a situation? 81. The appropriate action has to be researched. 82. Certificate of appropriate alternative development for reside purposes. 83. She can avoid punishment by appropriate actions. 84. Her reaction, he wrote, was entirely appropriate. 85. Appropriate shoes are also purchased, as are other accessories. 86. The Tree of Knowledge is the appropriate analogy. 87. Young Fowler thinks it entirely appropriate. 88. I perceive him as a particularly appropriate model. 89. You spot what season of the year is appropriate. 90. Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases.Hippocrates