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31. We watched the proceedings in the street below. 32. Most domestic freezers operate at below -18 ?C. 33. As the storm began, everyone disappeared below deck. 34. My performance is far below excellence. 35. The sun sank below the horizon. 36. The temperature remained below freezing point throughout the day. 37. Sign your name in the blank space below. 38. Below pH 6.5 is acid, above pH 7.5 is alkaline. 39. The shares were sold for well below their nominal value. 40. Some neck injuries cause total loss of mobility below the point of injury. 41. Below us you could glimpse the rooftops of a few small villages. 42. From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects. 43. Thirteen per cent of the population live below the poverty line. 44. I'm disappointed in your work;it has fallen below your usual standard. 45. The air temperature was well below freezing, and lakes and rivers froze over. 46. Marx points out the potential conflicts below the surface of society. 47. We stood on the windswept ridge and looked down at the valley below. 48. Use the table below as a guide to how much washing powder to use. 49. The cat sat in the tree ready to pounce on the ducks below. 50. Bring the coupon below to any Tecno store and pay just £10.99. 51. I saw lights twinkling in the little town below us. 52. From our lofty vantage point, we could see the city spread out below us. 53. Injuries meant that the Dutch team was below strength for the final. 54. Some unfortunate person passing below could all too easily be seriously injured. 55. Anyone interested in joining the club should contact us at the address below. 56. In the equation below, as E goes to zero, n approaches infinity. 57. They leaned over the rails and peered down into the dizzying chasm below. 58. Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished. 59. Exploratory investigations have indicated large amounts of oil below the sea bed. 60. Make a small incision below the ribs.