快好知 kuaihz

121. These are primarily to help buy, extend or renovate a surgery or consulting rooms. 122. Links with other departments allow interdisciplinary support and supervision where nursing interests extend across disciplines. 123. It will be the first journal to make immediately available findings that could save or extend the lives of critically ill patients. 124. The incident suggested that the movement was seeking to extend its campaign for political dominance beyond the province of Natal. 125. Even the plural in their name seems to make them extend farther into a distant romantic haze. 126. Venice, therefore, had an imperative need to extend its influence over the Dalmatian coastal cities. 127. Teachers who use these books can draw on the banks of ideas they provide to extend and diversify their current practice. 128. He has to extend and define what the New Democrat agenda means in the post-Clinton era. 129. If Hateley is found guilty of violent conduct, the disciplinary committee are empowered to extend the player's ban. 130. Losses by candidates he has supported could affect his ability to extend his stay in power as Yugoslav president. 131. There is a directness, a genuine sense of conviction in these words which extend far beyond strategic posing. 132. We will continue to extend City Challenge and allocate a greater proportion of resources by competitive bidding. 133. Various attempts are being made to extend the subject searching capability beyond the matching principle. 134. Here we extend the results of experiments on convection in a suspension cooled from above. 135. Credit Limits Having decided to extend credit to a new customer you should: 1. 136. We will extend legal aid, ensuring that justice is more widely available. 137. In other words, should copyright extend to non-literal elements which are not directly perceivable? 138. They may fear to extend love and acceptance to the new partner as it seems a betrayal of the absent parent. 139. We will extend the security of tenure in private rented accommodation to a similar level to that enjoyed by council tenants. 140. Suggest instructions to control a set of output devices, and extend your interrupt service routine accordingly. 141. The politicians, on the lookout for arguments to extend their authoritarianism, jumped at this opportunity to confuse the issue. 142. This policy of constant education must inevitably extend to the continuation of the educational process beyond normal school-leaving age. 143. Electronic networks, such as electronic mail and computer bulletin boards, extend this changing political identity even further. 144. Your appointment on a casual basis will start on 1993 and will not in any circumstances extend beyond 1993. 145. Press back in place 8 Extend the life of existing flat roofing by coating with rubberised roofing compound such as Isoflex. 146. You will need to extend normal flight monitoring when flying under I/F conditions. 147. Yet the disappointed applicant had an unfettered right to extend the period of disruption by appealing. 148. They demanded that the Corporation immediately extend the city boundary and embark on a crash housing programme. 149. Plans are also in hand to extend the railway to Beckton in the far east. 150. My analysis of the particular qualities of the institution shows that it may well extend to cover a homosexual union.