快好知 kuaihz

31. He gave his evidence in Tehran's revolutionary court, which deals with matters that threaten national security. 32. This was to have a United Nations as a world policeman, able to intervene against dictatorships which threaten other countries. 33. Even modest elevations of sea level therefore can threaten many major population centers. 34. Yet there has also been dismay that concern over insider dealing may threaten the flow of information. 35. Any discovery which later may threaten it is rejected by one's mental defences and could upset the balance of the mind. 36. This idea has spawned irrational diets that defy science, cause much inconvenience, and may even threaten nutrition. 37. They claim the banks are slow to reduce interest rates and impose high charges which threaten business. 38. I don't want to threaten you but you've forced me into a corner. 39. Now she fears that her latest film, her masterwork, may threaten her ability to work there in the future. 40. The measures proposed would disrupt the entire state museum system, and would threaten museum collections. 41. Another guy I knew really did threaten to have his personal enemies killed by hired gunmen after the war. 42. It can also threaten to cancel federal contracts with any firms that refuse to change. 43. Yet he would certainly be tracked down if he tried anything else and that would threaten the larger enterprise. 44. A serious delay in modernizing the complex could threaten that compromise. 45. Acid rain and marine pollution hurt neighbouring countries; ozone depletion and global warming threaten the entire planet. 46. To the extent environmental controls undermine our economic base, they threaten our ability to pursue the environmental goals we all share. 47. The slightest crisis of confidence can threaten the survival of the banking system and the health of the whole economy. 48. Perhaps the working poor should threaten to incorporate in order to get local leaders to seriously address their plight. 49. Individual immortality would threaten the species as a whole - almost certainly with fatal results. 50. Does it enhance or threaten our security or is it of no consequence to us? 51. Less than a decade ago, no Tory minister dared threaten the tax break on mortgage interest. 52. Most children threaten at times to run away from home. This is the only thing that keeps some parents going.Phyllis Diller 53. Truman did not threaten to use force to impose his views. 54. Its typical modus operandi is not to bid but threaten effectively to liquidate the trust, a vote of corporate hara-kiri. 55. W sports shop in nearby Catonsville, Tim Watson, to threaten a lawsuit. 56. Why should his death, however tragic, threaten irreparable damage to an institutional structure of such proven strength? 57. That prompted college trustees last month to threaten legal action if the architect and construction manager did not help resolve the problems. 58. Two Pinochetistas immediately board the bus and furiously upbraid and threaten her. 59. Objectives of this kind threaten to impoverish the nation and will cause the electorate to call a halt. 60. Secondly(Sentence dictionary), some forms of work design - autonomous group work in particular - appear to threaten traditional managerial decision-making prerogatives.