快好知 kuaihz

181. They say it's normal procedure at other Universities to wash contaminated materials like rubber gloves and glass containers. 182. Therefore this apparent reduction in their rate of occurrence is a reflection of the comparatively shorter period of monitoring during the procedure. 183. In post-classical law the traditional procedural scheme of the civil law evaporated, and all claims were heard under the cognitio procedure. 184. The procedure has not gained formal approval by the International Olympic Committee because it does not give conclusive proof of drug use. 185. Similarly, social workers were issued with handbooks and directives about the correct procedure to follow when investigating cases of suspected abuse. 186. Clearly the availability of judgments and recent canons and books on procedure made a difference to the judges. 187. The comparative method is not really a term referring to a fixed procedure that is to be followed rigidly. 188. The Building Notice procedure is a comparatively new system and does not require the submission of any detailed plans. 189. The procedure is only available for proposed and not completed mergers and the merger proposal must have been made public. 190. The next step was to devise a budget allocation procedure that reflected the health needs of different areas. 191. Nasty cop, nice cop: they were following procedure to the letter. 192. The latter procedure was in agreement with the recommendations from the local ethical committee. 193. An application for assessment of damages is made on notice under the procedure for interlocutory applications under Ord 22, r 6. 194. Procedure Each subject was given a booklet consisting of seven pages. 195. Abortion is not a painless procedure, it kills a living unborn baby and can scar a woman both emotionally and physically. 196. Rawlings worked out a procedure for network meetings similar to that used in a child abuse case conference. 197. The hierarchy of logical systems that one obtains by the procedure that I have described above is characterized by computable ordinal numbers. 198. I suggest that the usual channels have a strong interest in seeing that they control this important piece of procedure. 199. In the event of deadlock in negotiations, there is a procedure for conciliation by the ministry of labour. 200. Those patients who have the procedure are monitored closely in follow-up research. 201. Procedure became uniform in the third century, while early in the fourth the differences of form were abolished by Constantine. 202. The amplitude histogram shown in Fig. 1 c scored 190 using this procedure. 203. An arbitration award can be enforced by a simple procedure, and is enforceable internationally. 204. All patients were treated with H2 receptor antagonists after the procedure. 205. One user commented that when the procedure for access keeps changing, this presents him with further problems. 206. While it may not provide a specific remedy for the complainant, it can force public bodies to alter policy and procedure. 207. Analysis of variance and the Newman-Keuls procedure were applied to measure the statistical significance of means from different diagnostic categories. 208. Areas where this need can arise usually occur when a surgical procedure or accident has resulted in loss of bone. 209. In fact, the complainant in the case Samaraweera cites was knowledgeable about court procedure. 210. The procedure in these cases is similar to the arbitration procedure for claims for compensation in the inland post.