快好知 kuaihz

61 To help you complete this plan, try to draw a picture that you will associate with your goal. 62 Other anemone associates A number of other damsel fish species, especially during their juvenile stages also associate with anemones. 63 Julie was a rich kid who loved to associate with the tougher, more daring local boys. 64 A failed attempt to relax at bedtime causes more anxiety and can condition you to associate relaxation techniques with insomnia. 65 Some of our best writers are on the staff of the magazine, and one of them is Associate Editor Anne Boston. 66 The Activist Confederations were to be associate members who were to disseminate the belief in corporatism throughout the community. 67 She can continue living in her Job Corps dorm while she earns her associate of arts degree. 68 They are flavorful and different, without the tackiness I can not help but associate with most clip art. 69 If the appeal ever happens, it will be the first in school history, according to associate athletic director Kevin Reneau. 70 The designers have produced a complete range, including shoes you wouldn't normally associate with Doc Martens. 71 A simple method for remembering the names of the three areas is to associate them with a particular point of the body. 72 They never met again, for under the probationary terms they were forbidden to associate with each other. 73 The public soon learned to associate the catchphrase 'Ooh, you are awful' with the inimitable Dick Emery. 74 A wide definition of associate is contained in Section 6 of Chapter 1, paragraph 1.2 of the Yellow Book. 75 At Doncaster the king was joined by his esquire, Gloucester's associate John Pilkington, who lent him 100 marks. 76 Clearly this is much easier if we can associate bands in the spectrum with the various possible symmetry species. 77 Honda provides comfortable two-piece white work suits for every associate from top to bottom. 78 Sarah Lutyens, head of rights, contracts and special sales, has been appointed an associate director of Pan Macmillan. 79 Early in the setup of the Northwest Respirator Center he hired Dunning to work as his part-time associate director. 80 He had never before met a woman so entirely free of the constraints which he had come to associate with being female. 81 On hearing a bell ring before the appearance of food the animals quickly came to associate that sound with feeding time. 82 David had come to associate the noise of the Hoover with post-coital sadness. 83 The dog will associate the slipper with the pain of being beaten. 84 People associate the old days with good times, and seem to forget the hardship they endured. 85 Interested parties have the choice of full club membership for £10,000 or associate membership for £2,500. 86 The Course is heavily used by part-time Associate students, mainly home students drawn from the local catchment area. 87 This species has small testes for its body size, even though the literature records that females associate with several males. 88 First, good generalization from A to B can be readily explained in terms of mediation by the associate. 89 A lifelong friend of Bert Webster, Barefield later concentrated exclusively on tenor and, like another Webster associate. 90 I participated in a national competition called to fill eight positions of associate professor in gastroenterology.