gather造句211. They gather by the thousands in the footprints of deer, dogs, and people.
212. You must make these decisions before you gather data, or you will not get all the information necessary for your analysis.
213. Next to the cabin is an apple tree where the wildlife has spared the apples, and I gather 15 of them.
214. From what I can gather, there has been fighting further down the valley.
215. SkyCorder, which looks like a pager, uses a pressure sensor to gather information and a microprocessor to compile the statistics.
216. No matter how old we become, we can acquire knowledge and use it. We can gather wisdom and profit from it. We can grow and progress and improve-and, in the process, strengthen the livs of those within our circle of influence.Gordon B. Hinckley
217. Using a teaspoon, fill the trout turban. Gather up four corners of filo, twist into a bundle.
218. Such analysis by some firms obliges others to gather similar information to protect themselves, or attempt to enter the market.
219. It is gone even before the predator can gather its wits and make chase.
220. Each one looked as if it was consulted too often to gather dust.
221. Gather up dough and knead on a lightly floured board until smooth, about 5 minutes.
222. Have you been able to gather together the whole of your father's former collection?
223. Local people will be trained to gather plants and other materials which may have economic potential.
224. Why can not money be spent on advertising the help available in places where the homeless gather?
225. The children would gather in a noisy clump at the rear window to shout encouragement and offer coaching tips to their pursuer.
226. Surely it could not take this long to gather up a few baskets of food?
227. If You Want to Gather Honey, Don't Kick Over the Beehive.Dale Carnegie
227.try its best to gather and create good sentences.
228. I think I even intended to gather up the sleeping bundle in my arms and take it away from this dreadful precipice.
229. Grocery and discount stores give shoppers with buyers' cards special discounts in exchange for permission to gather information on their purchases.
230. I gather that he's got himself together over the last 18 months and it has certainly paid off.
231. Local ranchers and townsfolk would gather about the set hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars.
232. It launched a fact-finding division to gather intelligence on the hate groups.
233. So we have to gather data on numbers and again rely on volunteers as our workforce and a source of financial help.
234. In April she and 120 other admirers will gather for a convention in New York.
235. Back here at home, the Giants are trying to gather ammunition for the selling of their new ballpark.
236. When we gather together in Church on christmas Day around the alter with the priest we are full of joy.
237. Almost 200,000 Czechs signed a petition protesting at Mr Hodac's appointment, and each night thousands gather outside the studios.
238. Its conclusions were left to gather dust with all the commission reports and suggestions accumulated over the past thirty years.
239. She got to her feet and went to gather Geordie up into her arms.
240. What I gather from the photo reproduced in Il Giornale dell'Arte is that my sin consists of using hanging cloths.