快好知 kuaihz

121. Tests have shown that about half of the traditional folk remedies of such areas have pharmaceutical potential. 122. The children were encouraged to take ballroom and folk dancing as part of their physical training curriculum. 123. Like much political folk wisdom, this particular belief is of recent origin. 124. Some of the new findings, though, support previously unsubstantiated folk wisdom about alcohol and caffeine. 125. The folk wisdom led Tory politicians to dismiss opinion poll findings suggesting the opposite. 126. We have an alarming number of distressing cases in our files of youngsters, families and old folk who need us. 127. Fortunately a small group of folk banded together determined to save the bird and the rescue operation began. 128. This Navajo folk tale describes the creation of the Earth. 129. Many of those responsible saw their task as one of assimilation - to bring northern folk into southern-based cultures and modern ways. 130. The young folk need to have a place where they can go in the evenings. 131. Many of her first attempts were little more than workmanlike folk songs. 132. But the defeat did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Biarritz folk. 133. The key was to draw as firm a distinction as possible between the mirza and ordinary folk. 134. Luckily for us simple folk the game plot is very straight forward. 135. And the official line, as well as school lessons and folk knowledge, all colluded with the withholding of information. 136. The bridge was pedestrian-only and had been taken over by assorted buskers playing jazz or folk music. 137. The four pharmaceutical best-sellers are witness to the poor folk who have nothing better to do than watch all-night television. 138. A weekly gala dinner is held with folk music, and a piano bar provides music three times a week. 139. Its victims are usually poor folk made poorer by the white elephants their leaders have inflicted on them. 140. There wasn't even a pub any longer and half the cottages were empty, only the old folk left. 141. Voters' trade-off between taxes and services has changed since 1979 - and anyway the folk wisdom was always misleading. 142. They looked like two ordinary folk, as they got in his car and left the lot. 143. Its country folk are very much at one with the land. 144. Women ran screaming with children in their arms, and old folk tripped over one another trying to escape the slaughter. 145. Much easier to turn on poor folk like Gladys Brown, who couldn't defend themselves. 146. The custom of carving jack-o'-lanterns can be traced back to an old Irish folk tale. 147. The village was crowded. Old folk ambled, fanning themselves with hats or newspapers, slowing down their progress. 148. I used to go along to Greenbank Hospital's geriatric wards, where I sang and played to the old folk. 149. The witch image, however, does, remain, at least as a folk memory. 150. What chance have we lowland city folk got when we're confronted with maps covered in names that look like anagrams?