快好知 kuaihz

241. You couldn't take a boat out in that wild sea. 242. The first leg of the journey was by boat to Lake Naivasha in Kenya. 243. They returned to find that someone had cut their boat adrift. 244. The boat rocked, tipping some of the passengers into the river. 245. The seams of the boat must be filled in if they leak. 246. The new boat is larger than the old one by a great deal. 247. Put on your lifejacket, which would help you to stay up if you fall out of the boat. 248. The British boat was the star performer in the race. 249. Now the boat began to put away from the shore. 250. She was pointing to a small boat that was approaching the shore. 251. The boat turned over and we all got/had a ducking. 252. His twenty-five-foot boat was moored within sight of West Church. 253. The boat calls at the main port to load its regular cargo of bananas. 254. The two men were winched out of the sinking boat by an RAF helicopter. 255. As the boat moved along, he trailed his hand in the water. 256. The boat was unable to make much headway against the tide. 257. The collective name for mast,[/boat.html] boom and sails on a boat is the 'rig'. 258. It was quite a novelty to spend my holidays working on a boat. 259. She stopped rowing and let the boat float with the stream. 260. The high waves rolled the little boat from side to side. 261. I earn enough to push the boat out now and again. 262. When the boat reached Cape Town, we said a temporary goodbye. 263. An RAF helicopter rescued the men after the boat began taking in water. 264. The fish we'd caught flopped around in the bottom of the boat. 265. As the boat plodded into British waters and up the English Channel, Customs had their eye on her. 266. There were tickets available last week, but he missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some. 267. Most of the aid is being trucked into the city, although some is arriving by boat. 268. We'll take the boat out into deep water where we can dive. 269. We chartered a boat to take us to some of the smaller islands. 270. It was all but impossible to climb back into the boat.