declarative造句31. Knowledge into two categories , including declarative and procedural knowledge, according to contemporary learning theory of information processing.
32. This is a different problem to solve than that of the line graph, where all the data points are an equal distance apart and therefore can be easily positioned using a declarative formula.
33. Remember that OpenLaszlo uses LZX as its declarative markup language, which also follows the same basic principles as any well-formed XML.
34. Lyons, "A proposition is what is expressed by a declarative sentence when that sentence is uttered to make a statement."
35. In mood analysis, most clauses are of declarative mood since fairy tales always tell the information of the stories directly to readers.
36. The API itself is usually invisible to programmers, as the scope of transactions is delineated by declarative data found in deployment descriptors.
37. Place ti at the terminal of a declarative sentence, to express that something that the speaker is not sure, but the statement content is his subjective idea.
38. How many kinds of knowledge are there? What declarative and procedural knowledge are.
39. Declarative transactions, such as those in EJB's are [a] sledge hammer approach to simplifying transaction management, assuming that every database operation behind the bean is of equal importance.
40. The language development consists of three stages: declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and the restricting of procedural knowledge.
41. Can you turn the declarative sentence into a rhetorical question?
42. A man with overall qualities should always pay attention to learning the declarative knowledge, know the process of learn, store and extract it and study the strategies of mastering it.
43. AppML is not a programming language. It is a declarative language, used to describe applications.
44. In a general sense, the knowledge can be classified into three types:the declarative knowledge, the procedural knowledge and the strategic knowledge.
45. Negation, the process or goal of negating the meaning of a single word or the whole declaration of a declarative sentence, can be realized by means of meaning approach or pragmatic one.
46. Flex uses MXML as its declarative markup language, which follows the conventions of basic XML (as do all declarative languages).
47. In a declarative sentence, the typical thematic pattern is one in which theme is conflated with the subject.
48. All of these controls exhibit this intelligent use of view state when bound to declarative data sources.
49. Declarative demands place information into your code's metadata using attributes.
50. Chapter three constructs the model of the process of complex declarative knowledge learning.
51. Process specifications are expressed in a declarative form, while primitive actions are expressed as Java code.
52. Do not include any clauses defining declarative referential integrity constraints.
53. Currently, WS - Policy is working a declarative and programmatic way to express the policy requirements.
54. Query expressions are written in a declarative query syntax introduced in C # 3.0.
55. It is found that the declarative mood type takes the largest proportion, next are imperative and interrogative mood types.
56. Analyzing domain knowledge is possible once a declarative specification of the terms is available.
57. A declarative sentence declares or states something as a fact.
58. Each use case is represented by an oval, and labeled with a declarative statement that describes what action the use case is intended to perform.
59. Declarative a speech act which changes the state of affairs in the world.
60. Declarative security syntax uses attributes to place security information into the metadata of your code.