variant造句31. This variant has even less relation to a willingness to pay for safety than does the discounted value of future earnings.
32. In Chapter 6 the variant known as the arbitrage pricing model will be presented.
33. A variant of the suggestion is that the Sun has a pulsar as a companion.
34. If rainfall is variant then the mixture of species increases by two or three orders of magnitude.
35. The relevance of this variant comes earlier in the poem whose opening stanzas call for a painting of Ariadne deserted on Naxos.
36. There are variant versions, but this perfectly fits the vase-picture: Theseus, the hero in the foreground.
37. On this second front he goes beyond Parsons by expanding the opportunities of scholars with variant theoretical perspectives.
38. In this variant the risk-free asset is replaced by the zero-beta portfolio.
39. Choose a firm hold variant which will keep your style in place during winder weather and light drizzle.
40. The second variant is the one that has produced the greatest number of specific theories of cyclical crisis.
41. A study of these emendations reveals countless examples of the replacement of one stylistic variant by another.
42. Allophone is a phonetic variant of a phoneme.
43. Not every font family has a Swash variant.
44. The second variant goes further.
45. Null String Variant cannot be converted to a character.
46. We derive now a useful variant of that inequality.
47. There are variant formulations of some of the maxims.
48. Working function is variant from request of boss.
49. That suggests the variant promotes susceptibility to bipolar disorder.
50. Herpetiform pemphigus is a variant of pemphigus.
51. Semasiology is a variant name for semantics.
52. This report describes a new fetal hemoglobin variant.
53. This game is a variant of baseball.
54. There are so many variant spellings of his name.
55. Conclusions: The main causes of chronic cough in children were mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, cough variant asthma, tuberculosis and postnasal drip syndrome.
56. Another variant is presented by some members of the Palmae.
57. Mehitotsubou (above right), a large monk with a cyclopean eye, is a variant of the large shape-shifting monks commonly found in Japanese folk tales.
58. Variant hemoglobins (see sickle-cell anemia; hemoglobinopathy) can be used to trace past human migrations and to study genetic relationships among populations.
59. The code page for the windows variant of the Latin 1 character set.
60. The setoff game external formidable function, lets play the family sufficiently to be able enjoys the true pleasure which in "Misty rain Variant Reason" tours to the knight-errant net.