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1. Because it was raining the chevalier did not doff his hat as was then the custom. 2. He pretends a great liking for Chevalier de La Luzerne, but one should be on guard against his fine claims. 3. A current exception is the sparkling Vouvray Chevalier do Moncontour, with some light lemony fruit and hints of honey. 4. Batard is a little sweeter than Chevalier but perhaps that's splitting hairs; both these wines are excellent. 5. Chevalier de Danceny expects you at dawn tomorrow at this location. 6. Chevalier lighting complete variety of specifications, showing ingenuity and exquisite craftsmanship on every model of lamp. 7. By the way, Sergeant Chevalier sends you his kind regards. 8. The Chevalier was splendid. 9. Romano Prodi ; and Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur by the French Government. 10. Sanson was sent for and on the scaffold the Chevalier was told to kneel. 11. ASK people how they feel about getting older, and they will probably reply in the same vein as Maurice Chevalier: "Old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternative." 11. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 12. Paris , 1960 ca . Sophia Loren and Maurice Chevalier at a Gala Dinner. 13. A strange and motley set they were, these friends of the Chevalier. 14. Deeply influenced by the Southern heritage, Quentin imagines himself to be a chevalier. 15. The Girl With a Pearl Earring inspired an eponymous novel by Tracy Chevalier who imagined her life as Griet, Vermeer's maid.