move along造句1, Curious pedestrians were ordered to move along.
2, The policeman told us to move along.
3, The policeman told the crowds to move along.
4, The bus driver asked them to move along.
5, Research tends to move along at a slow but orderly pace.
6, Defence budgeting and procurement do not move along different tracks from defence policy as a whole.
7, The plates would then presumably move along with the currents, connecting the upwellings and downwellings in giant convection cells.
8, The further organizations move along this path, the greater the payoff.
9, We are are so big, and move along with such momentum, that we are able to live through everything.
10, Criticism should always be a positive move along the road to high profits.
11, They move along the underground systems to either emerge in due course or stay tight to rabbits they have encountered.
12, You consult your list as you move along, reminding yourself of otherwise lost points,[http:///move along.html] spontaneously adding extra examples or support.
13, The braiding yarn is tended to move along the direction of the carrier movement.
14, As these products move along the supply chain from the farm to the table, they can be contaminated by pathogens such as salmonella, e. coli, and hepatitis A virus.
15, Circular cylinder is a basic move along a straight line trajectory can be considered as a collection of the same diameter of the circle, if the horizontal section of film, then it is a straight line.
16, The gear hub are not allowed to move along axially.
17, There the ships move along, And Leviathan, which You have formed to sport in it.
18, To walk or move along haltingly or with difficulty; limp.
19, The conduction electrons associated with the iodine can move along the chains as if they were long thin wires.
20, Humans turn a screw to make it move along its length, but the weevil's muscles pull along the length of its leg to make it turn.
21, The utility model can be driven to move along straight line by two parallel guide rods which are fixed on the bedplate.
22, Before collision the spreader may move along only one coordinate axis. lt is possible for the spreader to move along two or three coordinate axes simultaneously.
23, I turned to see a large policeman gesturing for us to move along.
24, There is no bumping into the man in front as we cross the fields and move along the narrow Normandy lanes.
25, Free electron laser works as follows: an electron beam goes through the section with alternating magnetic field making electrons move along a wavy path and not a straight one.
26, Well if we any luck it may be time to move along.
27, You pass the current cursor coordinates to the dragger, and it updates the dragged object to move along with the cursor.
28, McClellan had planned to move quickly to Yorktown, then push on to Richmond. He would move along the finger of land between the York River and the James River.
29, The invention provides novel mechanisms and methods for effecting rotational and translational motion in three dimensions of objects carried by, or coupled to, actuators that move along a pathway.
30, For the present study, we extend the integrated particle to non-integrated one like the toroid, and also consider the case a particle move along the axis of a long cylindrical pore eccentrically.