mission造句181. Richard finds himself being assigned by Sal for a murderous control mission to maintain order.
182. Helping me in my mission is the convenience of central Antwerp.
183. But postwar merchants struggled against competition from Mission Valley shopping centers that featured ample, free parking.
184. Ahead of me lay an historic mission: to circumnavigate London using hired transport, and return within 80 days.
185. What is interesting is that the brush-off did not weaken her resolve or deflect her from her mission.
186. Sculptures of angels dance among the soaring arches that form the ceiling of the mission.
187. Evangelism and social action are polarized instead of being integrated as a united mission agenda for the Church.
188. On one occasion she held a mission at the Methodist chapel in Baldersdale which went on every night for two weeks.
189. For day-to-day mission operations the crew can use jeans and T-shirts or any clothing that they would wear on Earth.
190. Gary had beaten them to it, and had demanded contributions for the mission.
191. They could only wait for the next report from Mission Controland wonder if Hal would bring up the subject himself.
192. So he was one of the eighty-seven I Vologsky congratulated himself as he streaked back across the border, his mission completed.
193. It is a case of mission creep gone wildly over the top.
194. The mission was aborted after news came of the capture of the city.
195. A mission project of the Methodist Church is building a technology center so local businesses can travel the information superhighway.
196. Teixeira regarded the order as a betrayal of his mission and refused point-blank.
197. Are you ready to put down a specific business plan or road map as the next step in achieving your mission?
198. Such abuse of power is not just a problem for women, it is potentially an obstacle to accomplishing the mission.
199. Their work was absolutely critical to the mission of the company.
200. Some pass the evening chatting to a Member of Parliament on a fact-finding mission.
201. But on one such mission they came across a startling anomaly.
202. Send a mission to Mercury and you risk frying it with solar radiation or wasting tremendous amounts of fuel to correct against the influence of solar gravity.
203. General mission control process is consisted of many parts including mission pre-planning, mission implementation, mission surveillance and control and re-planning etc.
204. An assassin grimly carries his mission through the jostle of a carnival.
205. WISE joins two other infrared missions in space -- NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the Herschel Space Observatory, a European Space Agency mission.
206. The political urgency and test-flight nature of early Apollo planning and development left few options for selecting experienced field geologists as regular members of lunar mission crews.
207. UAV, landing gear, engine, mission equipment, fuel systems, environmental control systems are monitoring targets.