threat造句(211) The package has been hampered by the threat of protests by animal rights groups.
(212) The threat to truth as the goal of science is not just a threat to absolute certainty.
(213) The growth of cable networks is even more of a threat.
(214) The newcomers can pose a threat to biodiversity by altering ecosystems.
(215) After all, there is still the threat of enemy anti-aircraft missiles.
(216) The statute requires, however, not a threat of immediate danger, but rather an immediate need to act to protect.
(217) To their credit, some of the larger producers of anti-virus software gently downplayed the Hare threat.
(218) The threat of all Darlington Catholics voting against him was the most astute piece of political blackmail I have ever seen.
(219) It belongs to the man who called in the bomb threat 18 minutes before it detonated.
(220) He said spiralling public sector borrowing was the greatest threat to a sustained economic recovery.
(221) Another harvest has failed, and international aid agencies warn of the threat of mass starvation.
(222) Since those times the Tzar of Kislev and the Emperor have forged a common alliance against the threat of Chaos.
(223) More than 50, 000 people carrying free foam-rubber tomahawks evacuated the stadium as if there had been a bomb threat.
(224) Fifteen years after the broken engagement, her attraction to Eddie was muddled neither by youth nor by the threat of matrimony.
(225) They damned the no-nonsense, authoritarian government, which peremptorily squashed even the smallest perceived threat to social peace.
(226) The threat of violence and real fear of revolution prompted the Government to adopt limited constitutional changes.
(227) The film director said a threat was made after Mia discovered he was having an affair with her adopted daughter.
(228) Under this threat, Churchill sent a long reply on 28 November, explaining why Britain could not accept Berle's proposals.
(229) Bogus jobs line threat DIAL-A-JOB firms advertising bogus vacancies could soon be outlawed.
(230) The money was the one bright spot the evening had produced so far, the carrot to the threat of the stick.
(231) Nor will such a network of battle stations immediately end the threat of nuclear attack.
(232) Last Monday, a bomb threat against the county courthouse was delivered by telephone.
(233) What is the scale of threat from this stem canker disease to the rape crops now drilled?
(234) Such arguments naturally alerted the authorities to the possible threat posed by such an organization.
(235) This approach worked in the past, when the system administrator had to worry about a limited threat.
(236) Pervez Musharraf, delayed his flight home because of a bomb threat.
(237) Several national organizing committees look at shoe companies and appearance fees as a threat to their authority.
(238) The hierarchy of race with Aryans or Anglo-Saxons at its apex was under threat of contamination from the supposed lesser breeds.
(239) Last Thursday, campus officials received a bomb threat that was sent over the university e-mail system.
(240) Similarly the threat of a loss arouses anxiety and actual loss causes sorrow, while both situations are likely to arouse anger.