快好知 kuaihz

271. In order for fat to be metabolized, it must first be released from the fat cell and then be transported by the bloodstream where it is shunted to the liver and other active tissues to be used as fuel. 272. Each data cell has an ID so that the table's content can be updated with JavaScript. 273. This displacement is the physical reaction that was in the cell membrane, the Sheng. 274. Exchange skin cell moisture intensively, balance oil secretion and improve inflammation of acne - prone skin. 275. Conclusion The functional test of LAAT might be superior to total white blood cell count in assessing acute phase response after acute bacterial infection in children. 276. So did the levels of LEP and INS . However, the effect on promoting fat cell apoptosis was not obvious. 277. He can't even afford a secondhand cell phone, not to speak of a brand - new one. 278. Whithin the Golgi complex molecules are modified and packaged for export out of the cell or for delivery else where in the cytoplasm. 279. Conclusion High dosage radiotherapy before transplantation of hematogenous stem cell is an effective and considerable project for recipient. 280. In their view, was found in the cell new virus individual, perhaps because of the self-protection mechanism of the virus again Tunhui cells.