快好知 kuaihz

241. There is a lack of trust towards the central government in Rome. 242. He's taking a dangerous drug: it acts very fast on the central nervous system. 243. Economic activities of the satellite are closely geared to those of the central city. 244. Black dance music has been central to mainstream pop since the early '60s. 245. Many sociologists have regarded education as central in perpetuating inequality. 246. Others retort that strong central power is a dangerous thing in Russia. 247. The universities are anxious to preserve their autonomy from central government. 248. He has caused a storm by calling into question one of the central dogmas of the Church. 249. Central authority has been progressively weakened since the outbreak of the civil war. 250. The central 12-foot column is surmounted by a bronze angel with outspread wings. 251. He guided us through the narrow streets to the central mosque. 251. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 252. At the apex of the party was its central committee. 253. You can obtain a copy for $2 from New York Central Art Supply. 254. There will be rain later in central and eastern parts of the country. 255. The beads they use are handmade in the Jura mountains in central France. 256. There's been too much concentration of power in the hands of central authorities. 257. It agreed to set up a central registry of arms sales. 258. The powers of local councils are being usurped by central government. 259. The central character is a bad man who shoots people and gets his comeuppance. 260. The central part of the painting stuck out for its bright colour. 261. Federalism is intended to diminish the power of the central state. 262. Newman played a central role in framing the new law. 263. Reporter Alan Nearn covers Central America and is a regular contributor to The New Yorker. 264. The Central Bank is authorized to sell government bonds on the open market. 265. The central heating was coming on and the ancient wooden boards creaked. 266. The boat pivoted on its central axis and pointed straight at the harbour entrance. 267. The central issue in the strike was the preservation of jobs. 268. Central government has set a limit on spending by local councils. 269. The decline in the power of local authorities vis-a-vis central government is worrying. 270. The Central Bank has lowered interest rates by 2 percent.