快好知 kuaihz

31. A program for a play contains a list of the actors' names and other information about the play. 32. A backup copy of a computer program does not infringe copyright. 33. We don't have the confidence that the UN will carry through a sustained program. 34. The chances of an error occurring in a computer program increase with the size of the program. 35. The program locks the keyboard until a password is given. 36. They beamed the program to the countries of Central America. 37. In the first place, we should decide on one program. 38. The job creation program is looked upon with disfavour by the local community. 39. The space program is the evolution of years of research. 40. He made a huge profit from the sale of shares purchased in January under the company's stock option program. 41. This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom. 42. The new program is designed to tempt young people into studying engineering. 43. The American space program has spun off new commercial technologies. 44. She's written a program to find words which frequently occur together. 45. The radio station sets up an overseas broadcast program. 46. This computer program can be integrated with existing programs. 47. Congress has underfunded the program. 48. This program is an industry standard for computers. 49. The program focuses on kids' interests without patronizing them. 50. The new tax program is now over the hill. 51. We must map out program step by step. 52. The mayor announced the program. 53. China's austerity program has cut domestic consumption . 54. The program is due to air next month. 55. Can this program be run on this computer? 56. The program was recorded on a tape recorder. 57. The program was pitched at just the right level. 58. The program automatically creates a table of contents . 59. The program has somehow corrupted the system files. 60. Could you write another program on the same lines?