when造句91. When the ffish is caught the net is laid aside.
92. Love is like the moon; when it does not increase it decreases.
93. When one is about to act, one must reason first.
94. When we have gold we are in fear; when we have none we are in danger.
95. The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel.
96. When ale (or drink or wine) is in wit is out.
97. find life an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for others.
98. When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.
99. He who will not learn when he is young will regret it when he is old.
100. He who spends more than he should, shall not have to spare when he would.
101. When the belly is full the mind is among the maids.
102. When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, count a hundred.
103. It never will rain roses. When we want to have more roses we must plant trees.
104. If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from convicton of ntational innocence, iformation, and benevolence.
105. The best fish smell when they are three days old.
106. It is too late to husband [spare] when all is spent.
107. A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.
108. No man knows when he shall die, although he knows he must die.
109. It is too late to shut the stable door when the steed is stolen.
110. When two ride on one horse, one must sit behind.
111. We can not tell the precise moment when friendship is founded, As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over ; so in a serics of kindness there is at last one which makes the heart run over.
112. When one loves one's art no service seems too hard .
113. While the word is in your mouth, it is your own; when 'tis once spoken, 'tis another's.
114. Since a politician never believes what he says, he is surprised when others believe him.Charles de Gaulle
115. The most glorious moment in your life are not the socalled days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishment.
116. When Greeks joined Greeks, then was the tug of war.
117. Don't have thy cloak to make when it begins to rain.
118. When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of,he always declared that it is his duty.
119. When a dog is drowning, every one offers him drink.
120. When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window.