The Yard造句(241) The collie came across the yard, sniffing around the truck.
(242) The draught browned the leaves on the trees in the yard.
(243) In the centre of the yard, a few loose chickens were sluggishly wandering around.
(244) Father told Tom to rake the yard, but Tom tried to beg off.
(245) The gate suddenly gave way and an angry crowd out of the yard.
(246) The yard is a wilderness of weeds and heaps of coal.
(247) We fenced in the yard so that the dogs couldn't get out.
(248) A pheasant called from the fields . Jack , the collie, barked twice out in the yard.
(249) The child was in birthday suit and ran about the yard.
(250) Ambler spends its time , not walking , but worrying about getting the layout of the yard right.
(251) Trees environ the yard.
(252) Several little boys hunkered down in the yard, playing cards.
(253) A few of Stannis's knights were sparring as well, on the far side of the yard.
(254) Hurstwood stood placidly by, while the car rolled back into the yard.
(255) After the bus left, he refused to return to the yard. Instead layside of the headwaiter.
(256) Out in the yard a woman's hoarse contralto intoned a hymn.
(257) Take these fish and put them in the fishpond in the yard.
(258) Darnay asked the postmaster , when he had thanked him , and stood beside him in the yard.
(259) The pupils laughed at the sight of their teacher dancing a minuet in the yard.
(260) Late at night , the guerrilla forces besiege the yard.
(261) A group of country folks rushed into the yard of the government building in anger.
(262) The young mother in the yard, planted a fig tree.
(263) The yard was filthy and smelly, without so much as a blade of grass in it.
(264) A lacrosse net and equipment could be seen in the yard.
(265) Suddenly from out in the yard came a strange croaking noise.
(266) Rake up the trash in the yard and burn it, we will have some guests tonight.