快好知 kuaihz

1. Intangible assets are non-current items owned by business, such as a copyright, franchise, goodwill, patents, and leasehold. 2. Fixed asset, also known as a non-current asset or as property, plant, and equipment, is a term used in accounting for assets and property which cannot easily be converted into cash. 3. non-current and non - voltage fault in operation often happened in excitation loop, and that loop consisted of three kinds of excitation circuits. 4. After financial instruments, measurement of non-current assets has become a new field for fair value accounting. 5. You can match non-current assets to long-term liabilities so that together they don't impact the cash flow of your business. 6. Non-current assets also can be intangible assets, such as goodwill, patents or copyright. 7. Non-current assets are assets that are not turned into cash easily, are expected to be turned into cash within a year and/or have a life-span of more than a year. 8. Then look at your Non-Current Assets at the start of the year and the end of the year. 9. Then look at Long Term Liabilities. Let's say they went up by $500k because you borrowed $500k from the bank to purchase the servers that caused your Non-Current Assets to go up by $500k. 10. Article 14 The assets other than current assets shall be put into the category of non-current assets and shall be presented on the basis of their respective nature. 11. When calculating this ratio, it is conventional to consider both current and non-current debt and assets . 12. Article 14 The assets other than current assets shall be classified as non-current assets, and shall be presented on the basis of their respective nature. 13. The newly enacted CASs of 2006 forbids switching back of non-current assets impairment. 14. Indicates that the method context contains the active stack frame of a non-current thread. 15. We calculate financial leverage, LEV, as the ratio of total non-current liabilities to total assets. 16. The term intangible assets is used to describe assets which are used in the operation of the business but no physical substance, and non-current. 17. These securities are listed in Lufthansa's balance sheet under non-current securities and are taken into consideration in the development of liquidity, net indebtedness and gearing. 18. Article 12The assets and liabilities shall be presented as current and non-current assets and liabilities, respectively. 19. Article 23 The deferred income assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be respectively presented in the non-current assets and non-current liabilities in the balance sheet. 20. Current assets and current liabilities are reported separately from non-current assets and liabilities. 21. Article 20The category of assets in the balance sheets shall at least include the aggregate item of current assets and non-current assets. 22. Article 20 The category of assets in the balance sheets shall at least include aggregate items of current assets and non-current assets. 23. Article 23 The deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be respectively presented as the non-current assets and non-current liabilities in the balance sheet. 24. The reason is your business used some of your cash to increase its Non-Current Assets, most likely Property, Plant, and Equipment (like servers). 25. It is universal to amortize the negative goodwill according to non-current assets fair market price except for long-term marketable securities in the world.