draw a bead on造句 1. My adversary raised and very deliberately drew a bead on me. 2. Your political opponents won't be able To draw a bead on you if you make no mistakes. 3. They always ready to draw a bead on an errant public official . 4. Whenever a politician makes a mistake, his opponents are ready to draw a bead on him. 5. The deer bounded into the forest before the hunters could draw a bead on them.英文造句septicemiastyplasmapheresiscurrency fluctuationharrisMarieosteomalaciaantiarrhythmicdauntlesslyManagement Information Systemconservatoreaveexpert systemfolk dancescofflawtravelskoanmarchesgaloshesnubblenecessitousfigure uplabor movementheterogeneitythroewritten communicationdiffusingdownmarketunhealed