piaget造句31 Piaget examined and rejected both the Darwinian and Lamarckian positions, which conclude that for biological reasons, wars are inevitable.
32 Yet Piaget assures us that the free-ranging nature of symbolic play has an essentially functional value and is not simply a diversion.
33 Piaget suggested that feelings are variable, and thus the behavior activated by feelings may be variable.
34 According to Piaget, a number of factors prompt the gradual development of the will.
35 Also, Piaget did infer the existence of internal mental processes.
36 The task originally used by Piaget to assess knowledge of seriation of length is a simple one.
37 Piaget interviewed children to discover their concepts and beliefs about clumsiness and accidents.
38 Even though Piaget was concerned with development and Kelly with personality the comparison increases our understanding of both.
39 However, unlike Skinner, Piaget believed that development is best explained by describing the ways in which children understand such relations.
40 Piaget identified three kinds of knowledge: physical knowledge, logical-mathematical knowledge, and social knowledge.
41 Piaget, in turn, fully recognized the role of social factors in intellectual development.
42 In 1918 Piaget also completed his doctorate in biology, and he turned to psychology.
43 Piaget also argued that all behavior has both affective and cognitive aspects.
44 Flavell writes: Interposed between function and content, Piaget postulates the existence of cognitive structures.
45 Piaget identifies two fundamental aspects or modes of adaptation: accommodation and assimilation.
46 In a more limited sense, Piaget, like Hegel, is attempting to transform Kantian ontology into a dialectical movement.
47 Most agree that there is considerable merit in using the longitudinal approach Piaget used.
48 However, in drawing this conclusion, Piaget is giving undue emphasis to the more negative aspects of his results.
49 Pooley's Piaget wristwatch had now ceased its ticking for good and all and maintained a sullen rusting silence.
50 Consider two of the characteristic features of the first sub-stage of the period Piaget calls the period of concrete operations.
51 Piaget : What makes the wind?
52 Unlike Jean Piaget who saw children's play in primarily cognitive developmental terms, Parten emphasised the idea that learning to play is learning how to relate to others.
53 Thankfully, Jean Piaget, one of the first developmental psychologists, figured out part of this puzzle years ago.
54 Professor Lipman's view opposed that of the child-development theorist Jean Piaget, who asserted that children under 12 were not capable of abstract reasoning.
55 When Jean Piaget suggested that children actually think differently than adults, Albert Einstein proclaimed that the discovery was "so simple that only a genius could have thought of it."
56 Piaget and Kohlberg study Man's moral development within cognitive field. "
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58 G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Otto Rank, James Hillman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Susan Isaacs.
59 Piaget views intellectual development as a continuous equilibration of prior knowledge and present knowledge through the processes of assimilation and accommodation.
60 Piaget was not an educator and never enunciated rules about how to intervene in such situations.