快好知 kuaihz

(1) About half of Mongolians are Lamaist, or Tibetan, Buddhists. (2) The lamaist system tried to prevent any escape. Runaway slaves couldn't just set up free farms in the vast empty lands. (3) Lamaist monks joyfully dance at the opening ceremony parade of the annual Lotus Lantern Festival. This event is held in Dongdaemun Stadium. (4) Photo Gallery: Ceremonious Seoul Lamaist monks joyfully dance at the opening ceremony parade of the annual Lotus Lantern Festival. (5) Grand visitors came then to honour the Lamaist Order in His Sacred Person. (6) Religion: The people of Mongolia are predominantly Lamaist Buddhist , with 1 4 % Muslim minority. (7) The shrine is surrounded by four Lamaist pagodas and between the major and minor continents, there two platforms representing the sun and the moon. (8) These historical facts alone prove that lamaist doctrines of " compassion" and " nonviolence" are hypocrisy. (9) Who are these "non-Buddhist"(non- Lamaist ) enemies spoken of in the Kalachakra Teach in gs?