快好知 kuaihz

1 The vehicle was impounded as part of the police investigation. 2 The police impounded cars and other personal property belonging to the drug dealers. 3 The ship was impounded under the terms of the UN trade embargo. 4 He sued the police after they impounded his car. 5 The vehicle was impounded by customs. 6 The police had come to my house and impounded all my belongings. 7 The police moved in,[www.] arrested him and impounded the cocaine. 8 The coast guard impound boats if they find anything. 9 After the rally several bikes were impounded by police. 10 They've set up camp, saying the impounded vehicles were their homes and they now have nowhere to live. 11 The judge rejected his request and ordered his written statement impounded. 12 The president might also impound funds of his choosing, including Social Security. 13 The medical officer says that the animals will be impounded while tests are carried out. 14 The space agency impounded documents and even embargoed findings from the research gathered during the brief test flight. 15 The act will give the government new rights to impound untaxed cars and crush them. 16 Truman was so angry that he impounded the first funds, but he gradually lost interest in the whole affair. 17 Police recovered both items, and impounded a black BMW from the murder scene. 18 Instead of arresting a man caught with a hooker in his car, the police in Florence impound the motor. 19 But Jack was having trouble raising his own, for much of his cash was also impounded. 20 The Doctor clambered petulantly to his feet, with the thunderous expression of a child whose toys have been impounded. 21 Tow guy: The government is impounding it. 22 After reservoir impounding, underground hydraulic tunnels will by acted by large pressure of water outside because of underground water level rising. 23 As a key parameter coordinating flood control and impounding, the limited level of reservoirs during the flood season is a crucial factor of flood resources utilization. 24 But when designed the time to start impounding water they paid more attention to the navigation in the reservoir tail influenced by sediment. 25 As a result, I think that the induced earthquake which appeared in the reservoir is in small probability, thus strong earthquake does not caused by impounding. 26 The results show that tiltmeter has responded to reservoir impounding, especially in the detail layers of long period. 27 An earthquake in Wulong possibly induced by Jiangkou reservoir impounding is analyzed by using element method. 28 Meshif is an honorable man, but I fear that he is growing impatient with me about impounding his ship. 29 The atomic energy agency could be made responsible for the impounding, storage, and protection of the contributed fissionable and other materials. 30 In most cases, the waste materials were transported to impounding areas located on privately owned land.