anything like造句61, The resources, whether material or human, are not there in anything like sufficient quantities, it is said.
62, If they creep slowly forward they will not hit the net with anything like the amount of impact required to entangle them.
63, There's no deterioration in intelligence or anything like that, the intelligence is there.
64, I have never seen anything like that hall, with its lovely curving staircase.
65, Those involved were told that they should have consulted the senior branch before starting anything like that.
66, We hadn't petrol or anything like that to get them off.
67, I've backed more shows than you lot have had hot dinners and I've never seen anything like this.
68, It may not look anything like an apple, but it serves to represent the apple.
69, Not like birds or moths, not with wings or anything like that.
70, I didn't exactly have a presentiment - certainly not of anything like this happening.
71, Although it would be a tough year for sure, revenue was not dropping anything like as much as the bookings percentage.
72, To obtain anything like pure silver from a natural gold alloy involved a relatively sophisticated process of separation.
73, If your skiing is anything like as extreme as the conditions you will need to be well prepared.
74, Until Drexel came along, the rest were denied access to the corporate-bond market on anything like reasonable terms.
75, No previous tank could operate effectively at anything like that speed across rough country without the risk of injuring the crew.
76, I never established anything like a friendship with him, but our paths did cross from time to time.
77, When anything like this happened, every office-holder in the community made speeches passing the buck on to the police department.
78, Tony didn't have time to waste booking him as a support act or doing a club circuit or anything like that.
79, I had never heard anything like the Geordie accent before, and in the beginning it was unintelligible to me.
80, It was a pitiful, unforgettable sight, and I sincerely hoped I would never have to witness anything like that again.
81, But no other companies at the time were doing anything like what she wanted to do.
82, Anything like an adequate account of the method of empirical inquiry is out of the question here.
83, I can't remember if the picture of the man from the magazine looked anything like Boy.
84, Although relatively fresh and interesting, neither has anything like the same energy as his screenplay for Mackendrick.
85, She had never seen anything like the shoes the girl was wearing.
86, I swore to myself that I'd never do anything like it again.
87, I didn't strap it up or anything like that - in fact I did nothing with it.
88, Alas, most of our exhibits aren't in anything like such a good state of repair.
89, Nor does the research process look anything like the final research report or published article.
90, I've never seen anything like it -- some of those cabbages must have weighed 8 pounds at least.