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(31) Reno contends Microsoft violated a 1995 consent decree by tying the licensing and distribution of Windows and its browser. (32) Glickman was late for a Monday speech in Reno, Nev., and needed all Tuesday to get home. (33) He finally settled on Reno, then the Dade Country, Fla., prosecutor. (34) Holly McPeak and Nancy Reno hope to bury the hatchet long enough to bring home the gold. (35) Reno unfolded herself, pushed her bulk out of the car, and peeled her dresses off the back seat. (36) Clinton was said to be ready to confer with Reno in person and announce his decision as early as Friday. (37) Reno was the darling of the New York club scene. (38) We drove way out past Reno, to the old Fielding place. (39) You could buy a glass of beer for 5 cents, or a schooner for a dime at the Reno. (40) Then Reno closed the store and rushed over to our place. (41) At that, Reno lost her cool composure. (42) Let us create brilliant RENO together. (43) She starred with Jean Reno in The Professional. (44) I shook the dust of Reno from my feet. (45) Reno was a chemistry major, Greenspan studied music and Martin earned a degree in philosophy. (46) Listen,[www.] Julia and I just decided to go to Reno over Thanksgiving. (47) Their confidence and enthusiasm at work make us each RENO native be pride for it. (48) What do these people have in common: Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, comedian and actor Steve Martin and former Attorney General Janet Reno? (49) In their new series, the veteran hosts of Jenkins Art Studio and Jenkins Art Workshop re-introduce viewers to the art of oil painting from their studio and gallery in Reno, Nevada. (50) Reno which is the most widely - used and well - developed algorithm is composed of the mechanisms. (51) Puti Reno Raudha Thaib, a professor of agriculture at Andalas University in Padang, said that one result of this balanced system is that there is little competition between women and men. (52) Reno was the first female Attorney General of the United States (1993–2001). (53) US Attorney - General Janet Reno is in Miami meeting the relatives of Elian Gonzalez. (54) After graduating in 1984, he roomed for a period with at the University of Nevada, Reno. (55) They happen upon a desert retreat for sale just outside Reno. (56) His vocal abilities, however, led to a successful career as a singing ringmaster for various shows in England and the United States, including Circus Circus Hotel and Casino in Reno, Nevada. (57) Piccinini sent the hide to a taxidermist to be mounted for display at his sporting goods store in Reno. (58) Sally had a winning streak at the casinos during her stay in Reno. (59) "Reno" had been cruising the Norwegian Sea while Sharpe's Academy classmates were flying sorties , launching Tomahawks at Baghdad and earning promotions. (60) I showed him if you trace down the 120-degree west line of longitude -- which runs almost directly through Reno, Nev. -- you end up in the Pacific Ocean, somewhere west of Los Angeles.