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private bank造句
1, Mexico has borrowed heavily from private banks, the World Bank, and other international lenders. 2, Government favour also helped firms secure loans from private banks. 3, The definition of private banking and the entry levels set by different organisations vary. 4, The Federal Reserve is a private bank owned and operated for profit by a very powerful group of elite international bankers. 5, But when a private bank tripped up on performance, clients had a different perspective. 6, Citi Private Bank says more of its affluent private jumbo borrowers have been requesting cash out refinancing since last year. 7, Financial capitalists derived from feudalistic private bank owners and merchants. 8, BSI , a Switzerland - based private bank that is part of Italian insurer Generali Group, has moved aggressively. 9, Back in Kabul after living in exile in the United States since 1987, he wants to open a private bank. 10, Multilateral institutions would be asked for debt reductions equivalent to those agreed by the private banks. 11, The jump follows a big increase in bad debts reported last week by the private banking operations of Lloyds Bank. 12, Congress also has shifted from direct loans to loan guarantees: promises to pay back private bank loans if the borrowers default. 13, It also owns an insurance company, Fata,[http:///private bank.html] and has a stake in an ailing private bank. 14, I keep around 20% of my assets in cash at a private bank, but I treat it just like a normal commercial bank account. 15, The First Bank of the United States operated much like a private bank, printing notes and exchanging them for borrowers' interest-bearing promises to pay. 16, He must also restore morale among employees and prevent a fresh exodus of wealthy investors from the private bank. 17, "We will remain in a very sloppy bottoming process," says Stuart Schweitzer, global market strategist for the JPMorgan Private Bank in New York. 18, They had charged that Papandreou ordered state companies to deposit funds in the private bank at a time when its owner was suspected of embezzlement. 19, Seen as gun-shy for having lost deals to more aggressive competitors before, the company's recently appointed chairman previously ran India's biggest private bank -- a good background for deal-making. 20, Design Miami 08: here are some photos of the HSBC Private Bank lounge designed by Humberto and Fernando Campana for Design Miami earlier this month. 21, And he stemmed the outflow of wealthy investors at UBS's huge private bank.