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safety glass造句
1, The factory makes safety glass. 2, If safety glass used in glazed doors and low level windows. 3, Almost immediately the safety glass shattered and all they could see were white chips. 4, All light fixtures shall be installed with safety glass panel cemented and sealed the hood roof. 5, A broken safety glass window frames a destroyed house after an EF 5 tornado struck Greensburg, Kansas. 6, The outer safety glass may include coating materials at ends thereof. 7, In some embodiments, an outer safety glass is employed to protect the flashlamp. 8, Safety glass shall set into rails in deep into an extruded polyvinyl chloride glazing channels. 9, A technique to produce the laminated safety glass without autoclave at low pressurelow temperature is introduced. 10, Miraculously neither of the victims appeared hurt despite the piles of safety glass glittering in the street. 11, Now, the company mostly produc e and professionally deploy all standard of safety glass.