be combined with造句1. Education must be combined with productive labour.
2. The fore-edge painting could, of course, be combined with a vellum or Etruscan calf binding.
3. They can be represented vertically, horizontally or be combined with line graphs.
4. Task lighting must be combined with general lighting - on its own, it could give you eyestrain.
5. It must be combined with a 7 night stay at any one of our features Mombasa hotels.
6. Excellent climbing can be combined with a family holiday in beautiful surroundings, with a virtual guarantee of sunshine.
7. Perhaps general anaesthesia should be combined with pre-emptive local and regional anaesthetic blocks more often.
8. Combining methods Penalties may be combined with rewards in order to modify children's behaviour.
9. However, they may be combined with some other method to obtain such solutions.
10. The Ni1000 can be combined with a personal computer for fast character recognition, Intel says.
11. Therefore, EVL should not be combined with sclerotherapy.
11. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
12. But must linguistics then be combined with sociology?
13. The precision firepower must be combined with ground forces.
14. It'should not be combined with acidic medicine , e . g . vitamin C, calcium chloride , penicillin, etc.
15. Should ACE Inhibitors be Combined with Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists?
16. Still, OSCE may be combined with other forms of assessment, such as the clerking of cases in the wards.
17. Can be combined with sticker, air bubble sheet, etc. Suitable for electronic component, instrument packaging.
18. Some chart types cannot be combined with other chart types. Select a different chart type.
19. Apples contain pectin and more, can be combined with the radioactive element to promote their discharge.
20. Alternatively, stripes on the body of the garment can be combined with a central woven panel using several different stitches.
21. But how could the advantages of the klystron with its enclosed resonators be combined with the more favourable geometry of the magnetron?
22. Steam will break down the methanol and extract hydrogen to be combined with oxygen from the air.
23. Other studies have showed that profiting from agrarian reform can be combined with a more radical political commitment.
24. The following case shows how a penalty such as time-out can be combined with positive reinforcement of pro-social behaviour.
25. It is designed for large volume trickle filters, wet or dry, and can be combined with CeraFoam.
26. The Senate has passed a similar bill, which will be combined with the House version.
27. In October the new training scheme with start in which Medau music and movement will be combined with a training in physiotherapy.
28. Conclusions Endovenous laser is a new treatment with its advantages of safety, effectiveness, minimal-invasiveness, easy-operation and leaving no scar. It can be combined with surgery as well.
29. It makes a near and long-term reformable goal that be combined with the actual conditions in the area.
30. Simethicone and chlorpheniramine are effective for infant colic and can be combined with non-drug therapy.