快好知 kuaihz

1. We could see the ship to Hamburg coming closer. 2. In 1943, allied bombers repeatedly raided Hamburg. 3. In any case, work in Hamburg is proceeding apace. 4. The ruling countered moves in both Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein to enfranchise certain categories of foreigners in local elections. 5. Plans to restore the original library building in Hamburg include the possibility of exchanging and sharing resources with London. 6. He has just bought a neo-classical villa in Hamburg, a few hundred metres from the house where he was born. 7. The recording was made in a Hamburg nightclub on a portable tape recorder by audience member Edward W Taylor. 8. He had had a lot of hamburg and french fries in nineteen years. 9. The Senate of Hamburg has given the go-ahead for the redevelopment of the museum area near its central station. 10. Some of the changes in Hamburg reflected the increasingly important role of freight forwarders. 11. We propose hamburg as the port of destination. 12. Heinrich Hertz war der 1857 in Hamburg geboren wurde. 13. Wie ist das neue Leben in Hamburg? 14. Old Times Harold Pinter Thalia Theater Hamburg. 15. Then we head for Bremen, then Hamburg, then Denmark. 16. Let me take two crucial instances, Hamburg and Berlin. 17. Horst, a German from Hamburg, was a true original. 18. Is there a ship sailing for Hamburg next week? 19. Danach folgen Muenchen , Hamburg , Duesseldorf und Koeln. 20. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg and the SINTEF institute in Trondheim were also part of the team. 21. At the age of sixteen he qualified for a place at the University of Hamburg. 22. After an international manhunt, Frankel was found living in a Hamburg hotel under an assumed name in September 1999. 23. Until their first single, the Beatles were virtually unknown outside Hamburg and Liverpool. 24. After Frankfurt, the cities worst affected by mob violence are Hamburg, Berlin and Munich. 25. Among the collection of photographs are two taken in Hamburg in 1911. 26. Some 250 passengers were booked on the return trip to Hamburg via Lisbon. 27. He made only one change, firing the fire commissioner and putting in his old Hamburg Club buddy, Robert Quinn. 28. The announcement shattered hopes of an early comeback by the world number one following her courtside stabbing in Hamburg last month. 29. In August 1939 he escaped with his family on the last but one ship to leave Hamburg. 30. The Royal Air Force had bombed the centre of Hamburg with such intensity that raging fires started.