1960s造句121. In the 1960s the Conservative council made an effort to create employment.
122. Pottery materials continued to be carried on the canal until the 1960s.
123. It had Breton blood but, like the Breton, was heavily crossed with the Friesian and became extinct by the 1960s.
124. The environmental group had its roots in the counterculture of the 1960s.
125. Several changes in the control unit were made in the 1960s but the technology remained expensive and had relatively little diffusion.
126. By the mid 1960s most colonies had won their independence and by the mid 1970s the world was virtually free of colonies.
127. In the 1950s and early 1960s infant mortality of the first born babies were higher than those of the second.
128. By the early 1960s, Khruschev wanted a division of labour between the members of Comecon.
129. In the late 1960s almost all major exporters began to cut back production, apparently believing that surpluses would otherwise become unsustainable.
130. In the 1960s, the district went to a split schedule to meet demands on the schools.
131. With a few exceptions, it was not until the 1960s that large companies in Britain began to close the gap.
132. Since the 1960s there has been a marked shift from moral absolutism to relativism.
133. Its daily circulation in the 1960s stood at well over 1.3 million copies.
134. Only briefly at the end of the 1960s and again in the mid-1970s did average earnings rise significantly above the all-industry average.
135. In the 1960s and 1970s the Swedish political system was regarded as a benchmark for other European countries.
136. Richard Seifert's NatWest Tower, which has suffered superficial damage, looks 1960s but was not completed until 1981.
137. A waterfall of begonias, of every colour known to the plant breeders of the 1960s, filled the conservatory.
138. The middle-school initiative, as it gathered momentum in the 1960s, was concerned with a great deal more than legalistic terminology.
139. The weary elders of the 1980s take revenge at last upon the hapless victims of the 1960s.
140. The 1960s were the years of jaunty self-confidence among economists, and the reasons for this were not difficult to fathom.
141. The overall and accelerating decline in the manufacturing sector and its sub-groups from the mid 1960s stands out.
142. His career stretched from well before the second world war to the 1960s; he was still playing League football at 50.
143. By the 1960s, the red brick city was mottled with decaying buildings and empty lots.
144. Since the early 1960s, considerable debate has taken place in educational circles about the nature of history as a discipline.
145. Discovered in the early 1960s, quasars at first seemed to be small, bright stars.
146. The site has been derelict since the 1960s, when the old gas works was demolished.
147. While Britain started dismantling its selective system in the 1960s, Northern Ireland retained it.
148. A look at some examples of the so-called progressive rock of the mid - and late 1960s may clarify this question.
149. In the national context this is a good record, and shows no significant decline from the 1960s.
150. Donovan is 71, a former defensive tackle with the memorable Baltimore Colts teams of the 1950s and early 1960s.