快好知 kuaihz

so much the造句
1) I spend a lot one month and not so much the next and in the end it balances out. 2) If you can go there this afternoon, so much the better. 3) As with most pleasures, it's not so much the experience itself as the anticipation that is enjoyable. 4) If they lose their way, so much the better for us. 5) He had improved so much the doctor had cut his dosage. 6) And if I am Peter, so much the better. 7) If the spear killed attackers, so much the better. 8) If love eventually grows, so much the better. 9) It's not so much the snow; more the salt that gets strewn around. 10) The ether is not so much the carrier of cosmic electro-magnetic forces, as it is the materialised forces themselves. 11) We have appreciated so much the support, encouragement, prayers and interest of many from the fellowship over the last year. 12) If they are alive so much the better, but they can be persuaded to take dead ones. 13) If Upper Gumtree proved listless, so much the better for Flokati's chances. 14) However, it was not so much the fact that his life had ended which seemed to affect Maxine. 15) If we can improve the team another way, so much the better. 16) It is not so much the organism or the species that evolves, but the entire system, species plus environment. 17) It always annoys me so much the way you girls trot it out like you're saying something so astute and revealing. 18) Not so much the opposition - what shook me up was to see children being used in the front line by protestors. 19) We don't actually need it on Tuesday, but if it arrives by then, so much the better. 20) Use strong white flour, and if you can get hold of durum wheat flour, then so much the better. 21) The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, so much the better. 22) If they can do them both at the same time, then so much the better. 23) You can use dried parsley, but if you have fresh, so much the better. 24) If they can fit in with the room's general style, so much the better. 25) But if I can manage with fewer trips to the store, so much the better. 26) The crowds are mostly supporters, but if there is barracking from a foe so much the better. 27) If you can do this after an informal interview or visit then so much the better. 28) So a single fluorescent tube will be adequate, and if you have used floating plants, so much the better. 29) If that can be accomplished with work rules the employees prefer, so much the better. 30) If it makes illegal drug use even more difficult, so much the better.